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"Great job, Heiran. You made me proud, you topped again."

I'm so glad that I chased my grades. But being chased by Jungkook was making me feel annoyed, as always. I don't know when will he stopped. I hope he would stop after we graduate, it would be easier for me to move on.

Last quarter, 2 months left, I'm going to college. I will see the Statue of Liberty again. I won't see Jeon ever again.

I rubbed my head when I feel something hit my head. It was a crumbled paper from.. I don't know.

I opened it and it reveals a familiar handwriting. It's from Chinsun. When will this girl stop? It had been a month, but this Girl and Jungkook keeps bothering me.

'I heard you're going to America after graduation? Safe sky, I hope your plane crashes.'

I just laughed it laugh mentally, her threats doesn't make me creep out, even a bit. I pass her back a paper, I smirked at her and took my attention back to Mrs. Oh's lesson.

'I hope that karma would hit you hard. If it didn't, I gladly will.'

I put all of my attention on studying. But it is hard sometimes, there's Jungkook and Chinsun on my way.

I always see Jungkook waiting on the gate with a bouquet of tulips. He's always asking me to come back to him. All I do was to ignore him like he never existed.

I look at the mirror of my vanity, I'm brushing my hair. A tear escaped my eye, all of the sudden. I always act strong infront of them but when I'm alone, I'm weak as fuck.

I didn't realise that I fall asleep there. That causes me a head ache in the morning. I heard many whispers when I was walking through the hallway. I saw a people crowding at the field. Out of curiosity, I walk there only finding two people holding each others hands.

I think crying is really going to be my habit. I just let my tears slowly escaped my eyes. I thought Chinsun told me lies, but she didn't. They are happily walking on the field, please don't cry here.

We just broke up a month ago. How can he be so fine? How can he move on that fast? I wish I could do that too.

Maybe, Chinsun's right. He just used me. He just played my feelings. It's just a deal, a fucking bet. He can be an actor someday, he is a great at acting. Maybe he could win at MAMA as Best New Male Artist.

"It's fine, I'm still here for you, Grace." Jimin spoke on my back and holds my hand. He pulled me on the school's garden and I burst out there.

"What did Jungkook do to you? You fall for him so deep." He speaks in monotone. "Please, move on. You're just hurting yourself."

If only if I could move on as fast as the speed of the light, I will. But I can't, my heart can't. I loved him so much.

The bell rang informing us to go to our rooms. Our lesson for math is so damn hard, I hate Algebra.

"Try to solve this." Jimin gave me a small piece of paper. What the hell is this?

'n 3^07 !'

"If you can't solve it, just turn the paper around and read it." He said smiling, I comply and read it. At least Jimin made me laugh.

When classes ended, I saw Taehyung and Jungkook on the gate. I went to the other direction to avoid them. I stopped walking when I heard the both of them called my name. I sighed heavily before walking to my car.

I went to Han River, even though this is the place where I saw him with another girl. This river was my comfort zone before, the view makes me calm.

This is where me and Eomma go when the season is autumn. We always drive from Busan to Seoul just to watch the fireworks display here when I was a kid. Tears started to fall from my eye. I miss her.. but I can't have her back.

I was about to leave but a voice made me stop. I don't want to hear a word from him, even a whisper.

"Can you please stay for a minute?" He asked. I was back facing him.

"What do you want?" I asked coldly. I'm just wasting my time for his stupid explanation. He didn't deserve to have one, he was already caught in action. After all, will cheater admit his mistake? It's not a mistake, cheating is a choice.

Would I call it cheating if it was all a game for him?

"Are you crying?" I smiled sadly, remembering what happened on this place. I shook my head before looking down. I don't want him to see me like this, I need to be strong. "Why do you care? You sound like you didn't make me cry like this." I made it sound sarcastic.

"Why do you keep on annoying me? Can't you see that I don't want to see your face? It makes me irritated and disgusted." I threw a harsh word to him to make him leave but he just stared at me.

I look at his eyes intensely. It was glowing, his tears are forming. I let my tears fall again. When will I stop on crying?

"You doesn't sound like yourself."
I glance to him before staring at nowhere.

"I know." I shortly respond.

He changed me to a different person. He didn't change me to a better person but to a miserable one. I'm not myself anymore.

"Do you trust me? Did you ever trust me?" He asked. I can feel that he's looking at me but I just stare at the river.

Yes, but that was before you did something disgusting. You already lost my trust. How can I trust the person who only played with me? I smiled at him before leaving him dumbfounded.

I let my tears trickled to my cheeks. I cry on my car for some moments before starting the engine.

I will stop loving him. I can't.

I will let him go. I'm too weak.

I will move on now. It's too hard.

What did you do to me, Kook? Did you put a love potion on my food? Why did I fall for you so deep?


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