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"Mr. Jeon's secretary already have the contract, ma'am."

I thought his employee would get the papers, not his secretary. I just nod and get back on what I am doing. Haewon always speaks formally when we're working, she doesn't want to heard gossips that she was only hired because we are closed friends, bestfriends to be exact, etc.

I look at the time and it's almost lunch. I arranged the papers and walk out of my office. I saw some of our employees and I gladly smile at them.

"Yah! (Hey!) I already present your project. There are so many days in a month, why did you get sick yesterday?" I playfully slap and glared at Baekhyun when we saw each other on the parking lot of the building.

He rub his nape and pouted at me. This boy is so cute, I wonder why he still doesn't want to have a girlfriend. We have a simple conversation and bid goodbye after.

I am going have lunch Soojin and Jimin, we haven't seen each other for weeks, but it feel like ages. I hop in my Hyundai Grandeur and went to KFC.

"How's your lovelife, Park?" I raised my eyebrows to messed with him. I know that he saw her again. His so-called Love of his life.

He just laughed at me, he even choke. I rolled my eyes at him when his frink almost spill on the table. Aish, so careless.

Soojin was just quietly eating her chicken, she looks like enjoying it. Why do I have friends like this? When we're together, don't expect that it wouldn't be so loud. Our world is full of chaos, especially when I am with Jimin. If you leave us alone, World War 3 will happen.

"What? Jungkook was the owner of KMFS?" Soojin was almost eyes widen while looking at me.

"You don't know? He inherited that from his late uncle." Jimin knew? Why didn't he informed me? I already told him that I am collaborating with that company, in the first place.

I covered my face with my hands. Just imagining the things that will happen in the set is making me uncomfortable. Things will going to be awkward between us.

I look at the time, the lunch break was going to end soon. I gave them both a kiss on the cheek before leaving. I need to go back to the building, I have many things to do.

"Ms, where have you been? Mr. Jeon is waiting inside your office." Did I heard it right? What is he doing here? He didn't inform me that he will go here.

I sighed deeply and inhaled someait before opening my office's door. I saw a figure of a man backfacing me, he was near the window and admiring the beauty of Seoul. It's more beautiful when it's evening, you'll see many lights on the street.

I flashed a smile on my face before walking to where he is standing. I tapped his shoulders and he immediately look at me.

"Good afternoon Mr. Jeon, how may I help you?" I asked as I seat on my chair.

"We discussed that we are going to start the shooting next month, but can we do it next week?"

Is he kidding me? Next week? He's making me suffer, he's torturing me.

I lick my lip before looking at him. He was doing he's annoying grin again from 12th grade. I slowly nod before giving him fake smile. "Yes, of course. I just need your cooperation so we can do it ASAP."

I have no choice but to agree. Like what I said, I don't want Appa to be disappointed. This is a big project from a big company, I need to do what they will say.

He gave me a smile before leaving the room. How disrespectful, leaving without saying a proper goodbye. Maybe he was taking his revenge, because I hung up without letting him speak a word last night.

I called all the teams for an urgent meeting. I walk to the office and saw all the staffs there. They stood up and bow at me, I also gave them a bow.

"If we have to work until midnight, let's do it. We need to finished all our works. Please bear with me, Y'all know what my situation is right now."

I left the meeting room and grab my keys, I need to check the shooting happening on Myeongdong.

"And Cut!" Mr. Wang yelled, he's a director Under our company. The shooting of the scene already ended, they will do the next later.

"How's your father?" I smiled at him and just shrugged off. I really don't know what's going on with my father, I no longer live in his house.

I went back to the building after an hour. I look at the location and approved the others, I declined the places that I don't like. I also did the same on the clothes.

I stopped when my phone rings, it's an unknown number.

"Good afternoon, how may I help you?" I said when I answered the call.


"Mr. Jeon, why did you call? I'm busy." I coldy response. I can tell that it was him because of his voice.

[Don't stress yourself on making this movie, I'm here to help you.]

"What are you saying, Jungkook?" I called him by his name. I don't know why but I just did.

[Turn around.]

I froze when I saw him standing behind me, leaning his back on the door, one hand on his waist and the other was holding his phone.

"So now you know what I mean?" He whispered on my ear. I pushed him lightly when his I felt his hot breathe on my ear.

"I don't want to stress you, Heiran. You are already experienced that on your life, just chill." I remembered what happened on me when I was on 12th grade.

That time, I was mourning over my grades, my mom and pet's death, and losing my self overall.

"Take care of yourself, okay?"

Why are you being nice again? Are you playing with my feelings for the second time, Jungkook? Damn you if you are.


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