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"Thank you Mr. Wang, you really did a nice job."

I end the call  before staring at my table. How can I just chill if Jungkook is making things hard for me? Thank god, that I have many people to help me. I heard a knock and the door reveals Jimin.

"What do you want? I'm busy." I glared at him as I sip on my coffee. He just laughed at me. This man really got no jams, what's so funny? He gets weird and weirder everyday.

"I just want to visit you. Why do you looked so stressed? Is it because of you ex boyfriend?" He teased while smirking. I find a pillow beside of me and throw it on him.

Jimin just continue on teasing me. When I got irritated, I hit him with the pillow and pushed him to the door. "Ouch!"

I just laughed at him, I hit him with the pillow on the face. "Yah! I'm you're oppa! How can you do this to me!?"

I ignored him and continued laughing. Jimin was glaring at me like hell, then he laughed after some seconds. This guy is really weird. I look at the time, it's already 5, I need to take a rest for tomorrow's shooting.

Jimin asked me if he can gave me a ride. I remembered that I just came here with Haewon and now she's home. I just agreed and we headed out of the room.
Jimin put his arms around me, I ignored it since it's normal to us.

We ride the car and after some moments, we are back on the road. The car stopped, I thought we're already home. I look at the surroundings and we are infront of a restaurant named Jungshik Seoul. "Let's eat first, I know that you're hungry. My treat don't worry."

I just nod, I'm excited... to spend money from this man's wallet. I remember last time, my money went to $10,000 to $10, it's all because of Jimin. He bought many foods for himself, he also bought things on Chanel. It cost $9,100 or ₩9,989,252. Yes, he used my money. I didn't complained that time, I was the person who asked him to come with me.

We ordered their famous Kimbap and Abalone dish. I heard that it was really good. It's my first time to eat here, I have no time to go on a far place. My schedule is hectic, so usually I eat on places near the building.

"You're meeting him tomorrow?" He's teasing me again, when will he stop!? I glared at him and focused on my phone, ignoring him. When will the food arrive, I'm getting annoyed!?

I eat my food as fast as I can when it arrived, I'm glad that I didn't choke. I don't want to hear another tease from Jimin. Why is he telling me about my past!?

"You finished that fast?" He pouted. He's cute but not really. I will actually told him that he's very cute but he is annoying me.

The ride was full of Jimin's annoying tease. I ignore him by putting my airpods on my ears and listening to music. We arrived the condo, he emded up saying sorry's to me. Me being myself, accepted it without hesitation. I'm not mad at him, just annoyed.

"Why did you left me?" I asked Haewon that is now watching Riverdale. She looked at me before focusing again on what she was watching. Jimin just left the unit, his secretary called and told him that there's an emergency is happening. I don't know what is it because he is in a rush, I didn't have a chance to ask him.

"Someone called me, it's urgent." She said without looking at me. Why is she so focused on that series? Is that more important than me?

I groaned before going to my room. I throw myself on the bed, I closed my eyes but I immediately opened it again when I heard a knock.

"I'm trying to sleep, Haewon! Don't disturb me!" I shouted with a lazy tone. I closed my eyes again but it keeps on knocking. I went to the door before opening it.

"Haewon, I'm trying to sleep. I need to—," I stopped when I didn't saw Haewon, but a man.

"Sorry for disturbing you but we need to attend a meeting for tomorrow set." Jungkook said calmly.

How did he know that I'm living here? I didn't gave him my address. Think, think. Where did he get my address? Maybe Haewon? Jimin? Information desk?

"I got it from Jimin." He said like he knew what I am thinking. Jimin! Damn, why did you gave him my unit!?

I saw him walking to the living room. Is he going to attend the meeting here? He told me it was via Zoom. I put powder on my face and tie my hair, I don't want to look like a mess while attending the meeting.

We are on the middle of the meeting, his secretary, Yooli asked.

[Where are you sir Jungkook?] I saw Jungkook at the left side and  just answered a simple 'At my friend' and Yooli nodded. Did he looked at me before answering?

[Sir, what time should we be there?] One of the cameraman asked.

"4-5 am." I heard Jungkook said in a low voice, I'm thankful that my microphone can't hear Jungkook's voice, it didn't echo.

The meeting last for about 30 minutes. I was kinda bored, they didn't asked me something nor talk with me. Their attention is all on Jungkook.

"Any questions? None? Okay.. so Thank you for your cooperation, KDFC." Jungkook said before leaving the zoom.

I saw Jungkook coming towards me so I immediately turn off my laptop. I hear a fake cough from my back, I saw Jungkook standing, holding his laptop.

"So see you tomorrow, love? I mean Ms. Lee." He fake coughed again. I just nod and he left me dumbfounded.

I look him walking away and leaving the unit. He just went here for a meeting? WTF!? He's lucky that I didn't complain. I groaned before going back to my room.

I want to sleep, but something is bothering me.

I don't want him here.

I don't want him near.

He keeps bothering me.

He's making me crazy.

I'm not going to love him again.

I'm not going to fall for him.

JEON JUNGKOOK, What are you doing to me!?


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