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"There's someone on the door."

I heard the doorbell rang. But I really just made it a reason so I can get out of that awkward reason.

I saw a boy standing infront of the gate. I gestured the delivery boy 'wait a minute' and he nod.

"Who's that?" Hoseok asked.

"Delivery." I shortly respond.

"Food?" They all asked in unison except Haewon. I nod and they clapped excitedly like kids.

I got my wallet and pay the boy. I went to the kitchen to ready the food.

"Need some help?" I flinched when he spoke. It's Jimin. "It's just me. You have nothing to be scared of." he chuckles.

Everyone have a great time. Haewon, Jungkook and Hoseok went home to brought some clothes. Moon and Jin Unnie bring some clothes. We are having a sleep over. I can't believe that she will sleep here for a night. Soojin can't even stay with her for a minute.

They don't want to sleep in the guest room so the boys will sleep on the living room. They get the extra mattress and air bed from the storage room.

"Let's watch a movie." I suggested. They nod and we headed to the theatre or movie room.

Moon, Hoseok,Taehyung and Soo Jin sat behind while Jimin, Me, Jungkook and Hae Won sat infront. We watched 'Peninsula'. It was the Part 2 of Train to Busan.

We're lucky because the popcorn machine is working. We wouldn't enjoy it if we don't eat a popcorn while watching.

I turn my gaze at everyone. They were already sleeping except Hoseok and Jungkook. Hoseok smiles at me when he saw me peeking, I also returned a smile at him.

I turn back my gaze infront when my shoulder gets heavy. Jimin fell asleep. I chuckles while stroking his hair. Aigo, this boy.

The movie ends and the 3 of us wake them up. The boys went to the living room and the girls to my room. I let Haewon to go with us even though we're not yet okay.

"I miss this room of yours." Hae Won said and sit on the side of the bed. I fakely laughed.

"Uhuh, it's obvious How are you by the way?" I asked all of the sudden when I remembered what happened to her mother.

"I'm fine as always." she smiled. It's a sincere smile. This is the Haewon that I knew. I walk towards her and gave her a warm hug.

"I missed you. Why didn't you inform us that she died?" I sob. I miss the old Haewon. I'm still mad at her but I want us to be friends again. I heard her sobbing.

"I missed you too, Rannie-ah." Haewon said and pulled out.

"Why didn't you told me everything happened to this past years? You're always acting that you're fine even though you really aren't." I said and gave her a sad expression.

"You have many problems that time. Your grades went down. I don't want to add your problems." She said and a tear started to fall on her eyes.

I wiped her tear using my thumb and pulled her into a hug again.

"Yeah, I'm not fine. But we're bestfriends right? It's normal to have problems. We should've fight that together as one. The problem of one is a problem of all. One for all, All for one." I stroked her hair and gently patted his back.

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