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"Where are we going? Are you going to kidnap me?"

I dramatically fainted and Jungkook just laughed at me. The road is already heading out of Seoul. Is he sure that he's not going to kidnap me. I don't have cash, does he accept credit cards?

"Where are we going?" I asked again, now irritated.

"To where everything started." He said and gave me his famous bunny smile. So cute.

I slept the whole ride, it was really boring. He was really silent like he doesn't want to open a conversation with me.

I opened my eyes when the car stopped. I saw a familiar house, a very familiar house.

"Welcome home, Heiran!" Jungkook and a old woman said in chorus.

I ran to my grandma and kissed her in the cheek. I missed her, the last time we met was on Eomma's burial. I didn't have a chance to talk to her during the wake because I was really depressed. She didn't attend dad's burial because she was busy managing her resort here in Busan.

"Let's walk inside with your boyfriend." I was about to deny but Jungkook spoke before I can.

"Let's go." I glared at him and he just chuckled

Grandma cooked my favorite Korean Barbeque and Hot pot mixed rice. It tastes good! It's really great. That's why my dream was to become a chef, it's because of Grandma.

Jungkook and I went to the mall to buy clothes. It's a good thing I don't have a schedule for a shoot this week. I was looking every corner of the mall because there might be paparazzis around. I don't want to get rumoured again that I have a boyfriend. I was with Jungkook and I don't want history to repeat itself. I will be the CEO of the company, it's hard to be involved in a rumour. Also, I'm a model, my circle is getting bigger everyday. If someone sees me, I'm sure that it will going to be trending in Twitter. Not just here in Korea, but in US.

"Let's go to Fila, shall we?" Jungkook formally Asked. I nod and followed him. He doesn't buy clothes and essentials, he's litteraly doing a window shopping.

"Good afternoon sir, how can I help you?" The saleslady asked Jungkook, completely ignoring me. Such a flirt.

"I'm going to buy sneakers for me and my GIRLFRIEND." He emphasized the last word. I think he noticed that the girl was flirting with her. I rolled my eyes under my shades. and just look at the jackets and hoodie there.

I smiled when Is saw a poster of me at the wall. I saw Jungkook putting some random shoes, the girl is giving him 'assistance'. Why do I care? I'm not his girlfriend.

"Ms. Heiran? Is that you?" A teenager went infront of me. I gave her a 'shush' gesture and she nodded. "I'm a big fan, can we take a selfie?"

"Sure, just don't spread news that I'm here." She nodded and find her phone on her bag.

"Thank you so much, the music that you produce is so damn relaxing and your posture on Fashion Weeks are making people turn their heads to you.' She proudly said, still fangirling me.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Bella short for Arabella." She answered.

"What a nice name for a beautiful girl like you." She smiled happily and I gave her a smile.

"Thank you." She hugs me and I ask for her IG so I can follow her back. I don't know, but I felt comfortable with this girl. I kinda like her attitude.. just simple and kind.

Bella waved goodbye and I waved back. I look at Jungkook, he was still trying some sneakers on I walked to him and he gave me a big smile while the lady rolled his eyes on me.

I want to pull her hair but someone tapped my shoulder. "Baekhyun! Long time no see!"

"Ms. Lee, I heard that you're going to take over KDFC? Congrats, CEO." He smiled and hugged me.

"Yeah, what's your position now?" I asked.

He shook his head and I gave him a confused face. "Irene fired me after you left the country... not just me, but all the staffs that on your side."

That bitch. I inhaled a large amount of air and gave him a smile. We hugged again before saying goodbye. I will going to hire him again. Baekhyun is a hardworking person, Irene sucks. I really hate her.

"Let's go." Jungkook dragged me to his car and slammed the door hard.

"What's wrong with you? Are you mad?" I asked and he shook his head.

"Then why did you do that?" I asked, annoyed.

"Do what?" I saw his eyes darkened.

I was about to say something but he leaned on me. And now, his face is really close with mine. I was staring at his eyes, I can't say a word. I felt like we are on a staring contest.

"I'm freaking jealous, okay?" He said before putting his lips into mine.


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