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"We're going to spend time with the others. How about the two of you?"

Soojin asked while we're walking on the hallway with Haewon. I noticed that Haewon is so silent, I'm not sure why. I just ignore it because she might be on her red days. She's always silent when she is.

Christmas will be in two weeks. I don't know what to do on that special day. It's also our 2nd monthsarry on that day.

Maybe we're just going on a date or spend time with the others. I don't know if our family is busy that day. If they aren't, we'll going to have a dinner and spend the day with them.

I saw the maknae line going to the lockers. They are wearing jerseys so I think they played basketball on the court.

It's almost 6 and I am waiting for the others on the parking lot of a Cafe. I'm the first who got here. After some few moments, Jungkook arrived holding his bag. I welcomed him with a kiss.

The others came one by one. As expected, Jimin will be the last one to come. Hoseok and Moon couldn't come, they are studying on a same school and they are both doing an exhibit.

I'm a bit sad because we aren't complete. I felt someone's arm on my shoulder, it's Jungkook. I think he noticed that I'm down because he kissed my forehead.

All of them were having fun while I'm sitting on a bench. I don't know what am I feeling right now, I feel something's wrong. I got back to reality when Jungkook gave me a cotton candy, we're on a amusement park btw.

"Why are you sad, baby?" He asked while eating his cotton candy. I look at him and shook m head. "I already know you, what's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong, I'm just overthinking." I gave him a small smile before bitting my cotton candy.

"Overthinking? Why? Is there something bothering you? Tell me. What is it?" I just laughed at him, he's asking many questions. I rest my head to his shoulders while watching the rides move.

"How many children do you want?" I asked.

"Maybe 10? Nah, I want 100, all of them needs to be twins." I glared at him before laughing.

"100? Okay but you are the one who will get pregnant, not me." I said, still laughing.

"I'm just kidding, babe. Maybe 2? Boy and girl?" I kissed his cheeks before running away. He chased me until we both got tired. We ended breathing and panting heavily.

Jungkook drive me home after we went to their penthouse. My parents weren't there as usual so he decided to sleep with me.

The night was fun. Star gazing at the balcony, cuddling on my bed while watching Netflix, and talking about our future. But one thing happened that I don't want to forget.

"There's a shooting star. What's your wish?" I asked him before sipping my coffee. We are on the 3rd floor of the house which is the balcony.

"I don't know, my wish is already granted."

"Okay then, I already ask you this last time but I want a specific answer. This time, not after college. What's your dream?"

He gave me his bunny smile before saying something sweet that won't get out of my mind.

"Finding my own Ms. Right was my wish, while having you is my dream."


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