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"Eat first, you haven't eaten breakfast and lunch yet."

Jungkook urge me to eat but I don't have an appetite to. He sat beside me while I was staring at nowhere. It's been 2 months since he died. I didn't attend his wake, I don't want to. I can't, I'm to weak for that.

"It's okay, Heiran. I know that you're going to be happy, again. Not now, but soon." Jungkook said and hugged me.

I looked at him for a moment before hugging back. I wanted to cry on his embrace but tears won't fall. My eyes are really red and puffy because I was crying all day.

"I'm here for you.. I won't leave you.." He said and I hugged him tighter.

I didn't realise that I fell asleep on his embrace. I just woke up hugging him, he's sleeping peacefully. I can hear a soft snore, I giggled when I heard it.

I smiled, maybe I can be happy. I need to be happy. I will be happy. I know Appa is happy with Eomma in heaven. I walk into the bathroom and take a bath. I was struggling with the things in the bathroom because it was high-tech. I am in the mansion btw.

"Jungkook, wake up now! It's already 1 pm!" I lied.

He get up and grabbed his phone to check the time. "Hey! It's only 8 am, you brat!"

Jungkook scolded me because of that. I was just laughing, not caring. I rolled my eyes before going down. I saw Mr. Wong on the couch sitting with my Irene and Yeri. He's our family lawyer.

"Ms. Lee, good timing. Come here!" Mr Wong greeted, I nod and sat beside him. "This is the Will testament that your father signed."

He gave papers to me. I read it and the last two sentence caught my eye. 'All of Mr. Lee's shares, properties, and his company is going to be inherited by Ms. Lee Heiran. Lee Yeri and Lee Irene will only inheriting $100,000 and 5% of Mr. Lee's properties.'

"No, it can't be! No." Yeri shouted when she read the papers. I gave her a lovely smile before thanking Mr. Wong. I watched him left the house before getting upstairs. I was about to left but Yeri grabbed my hair. Irene was stopping her.

"Jungkook! Help me!" I shouted out loud. I saw him running down stairs, his hair is wet like he just take a shower.

Jungkook grabbed Yeri's hand and harshly remove it from my hair. "Try to lay your fingers on her again, I'll make sure you're going to suffer." He threatened.

"Btw, I'm cancelling the engagement off." He takes off a ring on his hand and gave it to Yeri.

"Pack your things, get out of the house!" Jungkook shouted.

Wow, he's acting like he owns the house. Wait, does he know that I inherited everything? Not everything but almost everything?

"Do you kn-," He cut me off.

"Yes, your dad told me a year ago." He said and gave me a small smile.

"Why did you cancel the engagement off? Your aunt might get her husband's company to you." I said, nervously.

I don't want that to happen but what if? We don't know what destiny is planning, s/he's really playful. A lot has happened, I don't know what will happen next.

"You're really brave, Heiran." We are now on the garden, walking around.


"Most of the girls will gave up easily if they experience what you're experiencing right now. But you, you're still fighting. How can you do that?" He chuckles.

"I don't know babe-uh Jungkook." My eyes widen and I immediately looked away because of embarassment. We sit on the wooden table set on the garden. I called for the maid to get us some drinks, she immediately complied.

The maid arrives holding a tray with 2 cokes and snacks. "Let me open the can for you, love." He said and get the coke.

"Thank you, love- hey stop it!" I glared at him. He's teasing me, I'm getting annoyed.

He bit his finger so he can stop himself from laughing. Can someone please call 911 to get this boy here? He fucking stole my heart.. I mean he was annoying me.


"What now?" I asked, irritated.

"Let's start again from the beginning, Ms. Right?"

Now, my irritation faded. Why did he call me Ms. Right? I'm not Ms. Right.

"You told that the right person gets tired too. But this time, the right person is inlove again, with you.."


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