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"Why am I single? You're going to break up soon. Just kidding, please don't."

I whispered to my self while seeing our group's couple flirting on their locker, Soojin and Taehyung. I hope this couple will break up, jk.

Time passed really fast, it's friday again. My routine was like a cycle, it's all the same.

I continued walking to our room. Jungkook was already sitting on our seat. He was taking a nap while his airpods plug in. I headed there but got interrupted when someone sat on my seat. Of course, it's the flirty witch.

I put my bag on our table and just went on the seat beside ours. I know that this girl will leave later.

"Yah! Why are you sitting there? Is that your seat?" Jimin yelled causing everyone to look at him. Our classmates starts to shout at Chinsun. They are making her leave my seat.. but she is really hard headed.

Taehyung and Soojin entered the room to call Jimin. I walked to them to greet Soojin. I look at them wearing a smirk. "What's with the look?" Taehyung asked and I just shook my head as I go back to my seat.

I noticed that the table move and heard a sound from my right so I turn my gaze to Jungkook. His  airpod dropped from his ear. I put it back slowly not wanting to wake him up. But he opened his eyes immediately when my finger touched his skin. We stared at each other but I looked away.  I just realised that I'm sitting on the seat beside Jungkook. I immediately stood up and went back to my sit.

Fortunately, Chinsun already left my seat.

Professor Kim arrived, wearing a smile. He's on a good mood, I hope all, jk.

"Class, Our lesson for today is about Geology."

My attention was on Jungkook. I don't know why but I felt uncomfortable. I didn't understand anything about that Geology. All I know is that Geology is an Earth Science concerned with the solid Earth and the person that who studies it was called Geologist. That was the only thing I understand.

I just stared to Mr. Kim and pretends that I'm listening. I got bored so I opened my Smart Watch and just take some pictures on it.

"Okay so, we're going to have a project. It is by partner. It is about our lesson." Shit, I didn't listen to the lesson. I will just study in the library or let my partner do it.

I'm partnered with Jimin and Jungkook. It's fine if it's just Jimin, but with Jungkook? I think I will fell uncomfortable.

Classes ended. It sucks. I'm walking to the library followed by Jimin and Jungkook at the back. I entered the library and there were many students. All tables were occupied. I decided to just borrowed some books about Geology and study somewhere.

"So it will be passed before our 2 weeks break. We still have 1 week to finish it. You guys do the researching and I'll do the rest like designing and organising our accordion." They nod like I'm the boss. I'm too lazy to search things about the topic. I just scroll to my social media accounts.

We are in their secret hide out. It's not secret anymore because I knew it.

I was staring at the both of them. They are really focus. Jimin was looking serious but I admit that he's hot and the same time, cute.

Jungkook's sweat was dripping from his forehead. It's not even hot, the room has an air conditioner.

"Done!" They both yelled in chorus making me flinched. They stood up and handed me two paper.

"Hmm.. Let's continue this tomorrow, I will type this on my laptop then print it." I smiled and bowed at them.

I went to the parking area and realised that I went here with Jimin. How can I get home?

"I'll drive you home."

I turn my gaze at that voice. It's Jungkook. I shake my head and gave him a smile before leaving. But he grabbed my wrist and drag me to his car.

"That hurts." I groaned while pouting, My arm hit the car's door. It's Jungkook's fault. "I hate you."

"Sorry, babe. Don't worry, it's part of your training." I saw his lips formed a smirk.

"Training for?" I asked, out of curiosity.

"Something that we'll do. It hurts if it's the first time." He said giving me a smile.

"Please go straight to the point. I don't really understand." I pouted.

"Making love." he said making my jaw dropped.

"Byuntae! (Pervert!)" I yelled.

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