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"Try to confess to him. He'll understand."

I was like a crazy person talking to myself. I don't want to share my problems to them, especially when my problem is Jungkook. Our memories together are haunting me, it sucks.

I just smile while remembering everything that we did together. Even though I despise him a lot, he's still my right person. Even though he cheated on me, he's still the right person for me. I'm numb, I'm stupid, but all I know is I still love him... but we can't be together.

I didn't notice that I cried to sleep. Fortunately, there's no shoot, my eyes were really puffy. The girls was nowhere to be found, I remembered that they invited me to go shopping with them but I refused. I want to be alone, I want to have time for myself.

I clean the whole condo so I can make myself happy even a bit. I also cook waffles for breakfast. While I was washing the dishes, I heard a knock. Maybe the girls already arrived.

I opened the door and saw Jungkook standing infront of me. "Why are you here?" I asked in confusion.

"I'm just bored so I went here. I want someone to talk to." He said and I let him in. He looked at every corner of my unit while nodding. "You designed this?"

"How did you know?" I asked while raising both of my brows. Jungkook just laughed at me and sat on the couch. He grabbed the remote and opened Netflix. Excuse me? Did I said the 3 words 'Feel at home'?

"This is the interior design you want for your dream house. For our dream house.." He paused and look at me like he was saying sorry.

"But now, it's only for my dream house. You're going to have your own house if you got married to my stepsister." I said and gave him a small smile. I backfaced him and remembered the day we plan for our future.

"What is your top 3 colors?" Jungkook asked.

"Black, Brown, Red?" I laughed because I'm not really sure about  my answer.

"Okay then, it's going to be the color of our home if we get married." He backhugged me and kissed my cheek. "How about kids? How many?"

I feel that my cheeks are getting hot, I'm blushing. "Two are enough."

"I though you're going to say 12 so we could build our own basketball team." He joked and I playfully hit him.

"Are you okay, Heiran?" I heard him said behind me. I nod and wiped my tears.

"Do you have regrets?" I asked, backfacing him.

"Yes, when I didn't fight for my love for you and for letting you leave the country. How about you?" He asked back.

"When I told myself that I wouldn't fall for you anymore." I look at him, not caring about the tears falling from my eyes. "Did you really cheated on me?" I bravely asked. I'm hurt again. I can feel the pain that I felt when we were still together.

I'm so weak! I don't want to feel this pain again. I'm done feeling that. Why am I fucking crying because of this nonsense!? I was just wasting my precious tears for him, it wouldn't change the fact that he's going to marry Irene!

"I didn't cheated on you. Chinsun was dared to kiss the person she likes, and it was me. At the same time, Hyung took a photo while she was doing the dare. I swear I didn't kissed back." He said looking down.

"What about the kissing scene on  Han R-River?" My voice cracked. My tears are falling nonstop again. The scene flashed in my mind again

"She asked me to meet her there to apologize for what happened but I didn't expect that she will kiss me again." Jungkook is now crying but he's still looking down. "Chinsun made all the stories that she told you. I didn't played with your feelings. My feelings for you was real, I really loved you."

Loved.  Loved is a Past Tense.

"She threatened me that she will hurt you if we didn't act like a couple on our graduation." He said and look at me. His eyes was red, also his cheeks because of crying.

"You're mom, she messaged me before the car accident. She told me to take care of you and never hurt you. Sushi, I cried when I saw her condition. I was the person who brought her to your house. I was about to save her but I'm too late. I'm sorry."

"I asked you if you trusted me, you said you did. But why didn't you let me explain, why did you let your anger take over you? Why did you believe them instead of listening to my explanations!?" Pain is really evident in his voice.

"I wanted to fight for our love. But all you did was to pushed me away." He sat on the floor and leaned on the table. He was staring the window while tears are falling from his eyes.

I'm a fool. All he did was to protect me. But all I did was to push him away. He was more hurt than I was. I made a mistake, it's all my fault why we broke up. It's not his, it will never be his.

I look at Jungkook who was a crying mess right now. I went to him and gave him a tight hug. He hugged back. I don't want to let go of his embrace. I want this to last forever. But it wouldn't happened, never.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry... It's all my fault. I should have listen to you. I should have trust you." The hug gets tighter, I felt guilty for what I did to him.

"You don't have to say sorry."

"No, I have to say sorry." I put my head on his shoulder.

"You're really the right person for me. You were right." I felt my heart started to beat fast. "If only I was brave enough to face you when that mistake happened, I would really face you and apologize. Maybe if I did that, we're still together now and we have our own family like what we planned before."

"But destiny is really playful. Sometimes there are two people that are really destined for each other, but it's better for us to be apart." I gave him a small smile.

"Are you happy with her? with Irene?" I asked bravely.

"Is being arranged going to be fun?" He asked back and rolled his eyes.

They were arranged by who? My dad? Maybe.

"By my dad?" I asked again. But he shook his head.

"My auntie and Irene's mom are friends from college. When they knew that we are working together, they immediately arrange us." He explained and I nod. Does dad know this? I'm going to ask him later.

"I need to go now, I love you." He kissed my forehead and left my unit.

What did he do? Is that real? Fuck, he's getting married this is wrong! But I kinda like it! You're such a flirt, Heiran!


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