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"Let's play Street Fighter?"

They are going to loose. Again. They lazily nod. At the end, Me and Taehyung competed. But no one can beat me.

"Such a cheater! Shoo, don't play with us." Soojin joked because I won again.

"Just accept the fact that I'm good at playing games." I smiled proudly as I said the statement.

"What do you want to do?" Jimin asked me while we are walking.

"Uhm anything. Any suggestions?" I stared at him, waiting for him to speak up.

"Want some ice cream?" He asked and smiled at me. Before I can speak he pulled me into the Ice Cream Stall. We lost the two because Jimin was too fast.

"What's your order sir?" The cashier asked him.

"Two Chocolate Chip Ice cream." He stated and we went to a table for two.

"Where will we go after this?" I asked.

"Wanna go to a club?" I don't drink too much, my alcohol tolerance were low. I just agreed because there's nothing to do at home.

My phone vibrated, someone texted me.

From: Soojin Unnie 💩

Where are you guys? We lost you.

To: Soojin Unnie 💩

Go to the Ice Cream Stall that we saw earlier.

After some few minutes, they arrived. We went to a bigger table since we were sitting on a table for two.

They also ordered. Mango Graham Ice Cream for Jin and Strawberry Ice Cream for Taehyung. They both agreed to go to the club. We were on the right age. I'm already 18, so do they.

It's already 6 so we went to a club. We asked for a private room since it was crowded. We ordered a Tequila, Soju, Whiskey, and Black Label. I don't want to get drunk because we have classes tomorrow.

Soojin was already drunk in just 2 shots of Black Label. She started to cling Taehyung, I was just laughing at them. Taehyung is doing the same thing. Jimin isn't drunk even he already drink everything we ordered. Maybe he have a high alcohol tolerance.

Taehyung and Soojin was both drunk, they almost kissed. I don't want to see couples kissing infront of me, it makes me feel that I'm single.

"Geez this two." I facepalm.

I'm not drunk but tipsy. I'm still on the right sense. But after some shots of Tequila, I think my head flew away. I'm drunk but I still can talk properly.

"Where is Soojin's place?" Jimin asked. Maybe he'll drive us home later.  I gave him her address before drinking another shot of Whiskey.

"Where are you?"

"Can you pick her here? She's wasted.."

"Yeah, thanks."

That's what I heard when Jimin called someone. I asked permission to use the bathroom, he just nod and drink one more shot of Soju.

The music is really loud but the screams in the school when Jungkook arrives is louder. I went to inside the cubicle and heard noises of kissing. I made a disgust face and went out after peeing.

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