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"When did I say that? I don't remember a thing!"

We're currently teasing Haewon. She told us that he would never go back to Yoongi, then Moon saw her texting him. My friends are really fragile.

I noticed that we're so noisy so I scolded them. Jungkook was talking someone on the phone, I left him in our room. I don't know where the hell he is right now. Speaking of Jungkook, I saw him walking to our direction. He's wearing nothing on top, revealing his upper body. Is he flexing his biceps and abs to girl?

I rolled my eyes when I saw girls approaching him. Why do I care? We're not together, we just talked about our closure last night.

"Good afternoon." He greeted us formally. "Why do you looks so irritated, Grace?"

Jungkook called me by my nickname. Are we close friends? Maybe. I ignored him and went to get my towel. I want to buy a Ice cream. It's not that hot but I feel hot because I am hot. I'm so confident with myself, omg.

I stared at Jungkook when I saw him following me. "Why are you here?"

"I want to be with you." I looked away because I know I'm blushing. I heard him chuckled.

Jungkook wear his white T-shirt and follows me behind. He gave me a T-shirt. Possessive. I'm only wearing a blue bikini. I didn't hesitate to wear the shirt that he gave, because I feel uncomfortable because of the stares Ibget from the guys.

"Boys are staring at you." He reminded and lick his ice scream.

"No. Maybe on my boobs." I teased and he glared at me. My order is not yet served. A boy approach me, I want to ignore him but I also want to be nice.

"Hey, Can I get your number miss?" The guy asked and winked at me. I looked at Jungkook before looking back at the guy.

"No. Can't you see that she has a boyfriend?" Jungkook glared at the guy and it backed off.

"You're really good at acting, you shouldn't be a director. You suits in being a lead actor." I commented.

"Be my lead actress then." He smiled at me.

I was at our room, I want to try the hot tub that I saw on the balcony. Jungkook is on his phone again. Of course, he's a 'hardworking' man. I giggled when he winked at me.

I hoped on the tub and turned it on. It's really relaxing. I want to sleep here. I saw the sun going down. I remember a day with Jungkook. We went on a beach to watch a sunset. It's really beautiful. It's our first time seeing a sun going down together. And this is the second.

"Isn't it Beautiful?" Jungkook asked. It is. Really. "Mind if I join?"

The tub is big, 4 people could fit. I can't look at Jungkook. He was staring at me the whole time. I think I would melt if he continue staring. I fake coughed so he would go back on his right senses.

"Uh.. I'm sorry. It's just.. You're just so beautiful." Here we go again. He's flirting with me again.
I just laughed and take that as a compliment.

One week already passed, Jungkook just messaged me that he would pick me up because he needs to show me something.

"Let's go now, I have a surprise for you." He dressed me up and I went to the shotgun seat.

The ride was full of singing and dancing. This vibe is what I like. He stopped the engine and I saw a lake. I saw foods on a blanket. Are we going to have a picnic?

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