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"You're so early, Ms. Lee! What an early bird! It's nice to see tou btw."

I smiled at every staff that I pass by. It's my first shoot here for Gucci. I saw the clothes and accessories from the dressing room, it's so fancy. I don't know if it suits me, I'm into simple things. I saw Mrs. Louisiana earlier downstairs, I think she's going to guide me. I'm so greatful that she's here, I wouldn't be that nervous.

"Why am I going to put make up on your face? You don't need that to make yourself beautiful. You're already perfect!" The make up artist complimented me. I thanked her but I don't think that I'm perfect, no one's perfect.

"You're also beautiful. Why don't you start modelling?" I asked Maria, the make up artist.

"Modelling isn't my thing, my legs are so short." She laughed.

"Oh okay, but why don't you try being a beauty vlogger?" I recommend. I can help her though, my things for filming are complete.

"Yeah, it sounds great. I'll try filming next time." She smiled ant put the foundation on my face.

The shoot started 12 noon and ended 3 pm. I'm tired but I remembered that I'm going to meet Jungkook later. Speaking of Jungkook, he texted me just now.

From: Unknown number

Where are you? I'm going to pick you up. -JJK

I changed his contact name to Mr. Jeon, I want it to be formal.

To: Mr. Jeon

Gucci Korea bldg.

After some minutes, he arrived wearing a white polo shirt and shorts. He's using his Mercedes Gwagon. A new car, I guess. He looks like a teenager flexing his car, I rolled my eyes before walking infront of him.

"Where are we going?" I asked while raising my eyebrows.

"Where are we going?" I asked again when he didn't answer my question. I hop in and raise my eyebrows to him.

"You'll see." he said and gave me his bunny smile.

We were on the road for 1 hour but we haven't arrived yet so I decided to sleep. I wake up because my head hurts, it hit the car door because of the rocky road.

"Hei Ran-ah," someone called. "We're here."

I opened my eyes and see a beautiful view. We're a the beach. I think he rented it because there's only the two of us here.

There was a table there for two.
"What's this?" I asked him.

"A date." he shortly response.

"Wha-," He cut me off.

"A friendly date." I nodded and admired the view of the beach.

Why is he doing this kind of stuffs? Is his fiance know what he was doing? Isn't his fiance going to get jealous?

After eating, I went to the shore. I sit on the sand and he sit beside me.

"So where's your parents?" I asked.

"Atlanta? No. Switzerland? To be honest, I really don't know but all I know is they are skating." I nodded.

"Hmm, do you want to go home?" he asked. I shook my head.

"The others was still working, I'm going to be alone if I will come home. My manager was checking Soojin at Fila Korea." I said and he just nod.

"Soojin is also a model?" Jungkook asked like he was really shock. I nod and laughed at his reaction.

"Look!" He yelled and pointed somewhere. I look where he is pointing, it's the sun going down.

I smiled while staring at the beautiful view.

"It's my first time seeing a view like this. I mean I already saw a sunset before but not as beautiful as this." I said and looked at him.
"It's my first time here." I smiled at him, sweetly.

"The last time I went here was when I was 7 with my dad. But it's my first time too..." Jungkook paused. I'm staring at him, sort of like admiring him but when he caught me, we both chuckled. Then, I gave him a confused look about his statement.

"It's my first time, with you."

I coughed and he laughed at my reaction. "I was just kidding."

"How is your lovelife?" I look at him and smiled.

"Married with my cameras?" It was like a question than a statement. He burst out laughing, I glared at him but I also laughed at my answer.

"Really? That sucks." He continued laughing.

"How about you? Are you happy?" I try my best no to cry infront of me because I already know what he will answer.

"Do you still love me?" He asked while staring at me, ignoring my question. My expression turned into happy to shocked.

"N-no, I already moved on. I don't love you anymore." I lied.

I want you back but I can't have you back..

"The feeling is mutual." He said and gave me a small smile. "Don't misunderstood my question, I'm just asking. Besides I'm getting married... with your sister."

The wind blows at the same time he said the words that became knives that stabbed my heart, multiple times.

I looked down because my tears are slowly falling. "Are you crying?"

I immediately wiped my years and looked at him. "Ani, (No,) the sand just went to my eyes because of the wind."

I want to get the hell out of here. I don't want him to see me breaking down. I told him that we need to go home because Savannah might scold me if I go home late. Jungkook nod and accompanied me to the condo. I'm really unlucky, He also have a condo unit on the same floor with ours. Another coincidence!

Now he know where I stay. I think he will keep on annoying me.

"I hate him so much! Why am I still inlove with him!?" I frozed when I saw Haewon smirking at me. Fuck she was here, all the time?

"Woah, Heiran is falling for Jungkook again!" Haewon teased.

"What? It's not Jungkook!" I lied.

"Really huh? If you're going to say it's Jimin, don't do it. Jimin is already moving in with his first love! You only have two exes so Jungkook is the only choice left, so don't fool me. I know you a lot for fucks sake!" A girl full of explanations. Being a secretary really suits her. She's so wise, I wonder what's her IQ.

I groaned and went inside my room. I threw mtself in my bed and look at the ceiling.

What was that friendly date for?
What is he up to? Fuck, when will he stop getting in my mind!? I'm so tired.

Is he playing with me? Or destiny is?


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