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"Congratulations Jungkook! I'm so proud of you!"

I am so happy because I just graduated college. I ran to my uncle Joo-Chan and hugged him. Without my uncle, I can't graduate. He help me to pay my tuitions and everything. My parents didn't help me, they don't want to. We fought because they don't want me to be a Director. Instead, they want me to be a doctor like them.

I suffered a lot just to get my position as a CEO. I became a janitor, a plumber, then I got promoted as a camera man. The last was being a director. I produced many movies, all of it was included on The Film Fest and charts..

Eomma and I were always fighting because of my chosen profession. They weren’t there when I graduated, I lost my connections with them. I'm really thankful to have my uncle, but sadly, he was about to say goodbye to us. He has Leukemia. The doctors told us that he only have a year or less to live. I was so sad but it's fate, we can't do anything about it.

"Action!" I yelled when the actors were in position.

But my phone rings that made me pissed. Why now? I'm on a tapping for fucks sake. It's from an unknown number. I annoyingly answered it.

"Jungkook..." It's my mom's voice. My eyes soften when I heard her sobbing.

"Your u-uncle... He's already gone." I immediately ran to my car. No, it can't be.

I saw Eomma and Appa sitting on a chair, crying. Hopeless. Breaking down. I don’t know what to feel. As far as I know I became numb.

The media immediately found out what happened to my uncle. I was the one they asked but I chose to remain silent. It's like I don't want to make a movie anymore. I just want to cry and lock myself up somewhere.

"Is it true that you inherited Korean MusiFilm Studios?" The reporter asked. I looked at them but I ignored it. I just walked away.

I inherited it. That's what is written in uncle's will. My uncle's wife started fighting with me. I don't know that, I don't know anything about it. I got shocked when my parents defended me. We weren't in good terms because I became a rebellious. But they still care about me.

"BLACK topped the Film charts. It's directed by Lee Heiran..." I immediately looked at the TV when I heard her name.


"Kookie-ah, I have already recommended you to KDFC." I  threw Jimin hyung the pillow next to me. I didn't say that I wanted to collaborate. I just want to know if they are still accepting applications for the collaboration.

"Is that your way to say thank you?" I rolled my eyes and focused my attention on what I was doing.

They sent me an email. No, they sent the company an email. I can't do anything so I just accepted it. I want to see her. I want to be with her again. I want to work with her.

Our meeting is scheduled on Friday but I went there on Monday. Nothing, I just want to see her.

"What took them so long?" I groaned.

"Do you want me to go in sir?" My secretary asked, I just nod.

And that's what she did. She went inside and I followed. I saw Heiran talking to Haewon. They look shocked while I felt so happy to see her. It's like the first time that I saw her, I can't take my eyes off her. Heiran looks so nervous while she was presenting the project to us. But she presented it well. Everytime our gaze met, she will immediately look away. Has she not moved on yet?  Because I wouldn't.. Never.

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