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"Go to Teddy Bear Museum, it's really lit."

Soojin is urging me to go to that Museum. I really don't like teddy bears except Mr. Cuddles. All of us will hike today at Mt. Hallasan, they said that your tiredness on hiking will ease if you see the beauty of the volcano/mountain.

"준비 되었나요? (Are you ready?)" the guide asked. We all nodded.

It's 5am and we started to hike. Mt. Hallasan is the highest mountain in South Korea, it's according to my research. It is a dormant volcano that is listed as a UNESCO World Natural Heritage site.

We are taking th Seongpanak Trail, it's 7-9 hours return hike and it's the easiest one.

I was almost fell when I stepped on the wrong one, but someone caught me.

"Be careful, Heiran." Jimin said and guide me. I just nod and gave him a smile.

After many years, we arrived the peek. It's true that it will ease the tiredness. It's so beautiful.

"Heiran, can I drink in your bottle?" Jimin asked while I'm drinking.

"But I already drink on it."

"It's fine, I insist." he responded

I gave him the water bottle but someone took it first. My jaw dropped, what the bloody hell? Why did he do that?

"Yah! (Hey!) That supposed to be mine." Jimin complained.

"And that's mine, so don't try to flirt with her hyung." Jungkook threatened. Why is he like this? He took my water and then accused me on flirting with Jimin.

I don't know what relationship we have, if this a relationship. I can't understand. I look at him and he's staring at me with cold and dark eyes. I just nervously smile and looked away.

We took a picture of us. Too bad that weren't complete. Jin and Yoongi oppa didn't come with us here in Jeju.

We ate the foods that we brought. "Sir, eat this." I said giving our guides food.

"It's yours ma'am."

"It's alright." he grab the food and thanked me. I just gave
them a smile and went back to my friends.

"Taehyung Oppa! Take a picture of me!" I yelled, Taehyung's shots was really great. He smiled at me and grab my phone.

The first photo was me leaning on a tree, next was on the railings. I also have a photo on the a rock. And one was with flowers.

"Hey! That's my boyfriend! I should be the one he was focused on." Soojin said playfully.

"Okay.. okay, go to your girlfriend now Taetae, thank you." I said while giggling.

We headed back down to eat dinner. When we finished and went back to our hotel room, he was still ignoring me. Great, Just great.

I stand on the door while hands on my waist. He layed on the bed, doing something on his phone.

"Jungkook," I called him.

No answer.

"Kookie," I called again.


"Koo," I called one more time.

Still silent.

"Oppa," He stared at me with cold eyes. I just made it worse. He doesn't like being called Oppa.

"Love?" I saw him biting his lip to avoid smiling. His eyes soften but after some moments, his aura change again to cold.

I walk to him and gave him a hug. "Why are you mad?" he just shook his head.

"You are mad, no you're jealous. Are you jealous?" I asked to tease him.

"Aish, Jimin hyung likes you." He whined like a kid.

I gave him a confused look. How will that happen? We considered ourselves as siblings. I don't qant to asked Jimin, our surroundings might get awkward.

"It's really obvious, Heiran. The way he treats and looks at you, I already know that he likes you." he said and sighed after.

"You are just jealous Kook, you're just scared to admit it." I said and giggles.

I got shocked to got sudden action, things went fast. Jungkook was now on top of me.

"Yes, I'm jealous because I don't want them to get you from me." He said seriously while eyeing my face. His gaze stopped on my lips. "I love you."

I was about to say 'I love you' but
he kissed me. Our lips moved in slowly. The kiss was so gentle. And there was a different feeling that I feel now. The kiss was full of—love.

Jungkook's hand moved to my hand and he put it above my head. He slowly intertwined our fingers as he bit my lip asking for entrance. I gladly welcome his tongue. Our make out lasts for 10 minutes.

"Be mine officially, love."

"I'm always yours."


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