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"Kookie, please, I'm begging!"

The audacity of V hyung to ask me to enroll to KIS for his girlfriend. I don't even know who the girl is, he's following me around just to ask me that everyday. Is he not yet getting tired? When I look at him, he's pouting really cute but it disgusted me. Now, he's acting gay infront of me. I know that he won't stop so I just agreed, I have no choice because Jimin hyung is coming with him. It's so unfair, he choose him over their precious maknae. I'm hurt!

It's first day of being a senior, I went here with Jimin hyung and all of attention are on us. I didn't got shocked or what else, I'm used to it. I didn't go to school with Taehyung because I know that I'm going to look like a third wheeler if I did. I also don't want to see them lovey dovey infront of me. It disgust me, everything that's related to love disgust me. There's no thing such as love or like, it wasn't really from the heart.. science can explain it but I can't. Just search it in Safari or Google Chrome.

But how I ironic if I'll say that I'm liking someone on the first day of school. The first time that I layed my eyes on her, I knew that I'm mesmerized by her beauty. I can't stop looking at her, she's too gorgeous for my eyes to left her. But my flirting hormones won't stop, I got late because I flirted with one of my classmates on my way to my room. I don't know, it just.. happened. That's what a playboy does, right? The same girl, her name is Chinsun, approach me again when I was putting my things in my lockers. And the locker of the girl that I liked was coincidentally next to mine.

I sound like a creep but I followed her behind without her knowing. I thought her name was Grace at first because that's what Jimin hyung called her but I thought wrong. The girl's name is Heiran, it suits her because of her personality. She's an epitome of grace. She's not that kind to the people who treat her like shit but I know that this girl has a good side. I realize it when I saw her crying about something, her friend and Jimin comforts her. I don't know why I felt something that hurts my chest when I saw her crying. I want to comfort her too even though we aren't that close. There's some of me that wants to protect her at all cost.


Many things happened in just a week. I started to chase after Heiran but she don't give a fuck about me. Grace acts kind and lovely to others while arrogant when she's with me.. it's unfair. But I know that Heiran cares for me, there's one time that I was chasing her then my hand accidentally sandwiched between her car's door. She asked if it hurts, I shake my head as no even it hurts so bad.

"Tell me what really happened. You're really stubborn, Jungkook." Yoongi hyung massages his temples as he trat the bruise on my hand. I ended up getting scold by him.

I left his house and drive to the penthouse where I live. I saw Jimin reading one of Namjoon hyung's book. He's not a bookworm, isn't he? I asked for Heiran's number and address. I want to pick her up. Jimin hyung claimed Heiran as his but I protested.

"He's not yours, hyung. Did I said that I'll get her from you? No. I'm just curious about her personality." I explained. But it was a lie. I just don't want to lost his trust.

I offered Heiran a ride but I don't know if she knows that it's me. I didn't expect her to agree but I'm happy, she did. I realize something.. does Heiran always agree to have a ride with strangers or she knew that it was me?
When I picked her up she was confused why I'm there. Heiran jlust shrugged and went inside my car without me assisting her.

We didn't talk when we're at school. I didn't expect see her on the penthouse after class. I don't know but I felt a sting on my heart when Jimin introduce her to the others as his soon-to-be girlfriend. They will go on a date too. Poor me. I was busy playing Mobile Legends then Jimin called. Damn, it was a rank game. But it seems important.

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