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"It's alright for me."

We are now in our room. I'm so tired because of walking and exploring the whole day. I rest my head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around my shoulders.

"Are you tired?" he asked and I nod. "Okay, then let's sleep now."

I burried my head on his chest and started to sleep peacefully. But all my mind were clouded with thoughts. Is this real? Did he really confess? Am I dreaming? Do I love him? Damn Overthinking, please make me sleep. By that, I really fell asleep.

I felt something stroking my hair. It's him, He stares at me like there's no tomorrow. I look at my clothes, why didn't I change into my PJ's.

"It's your fault that I didn't wash myself last night." I pretend that I'm angry, he just pouted.

"Sorry, baby. I just miss you." He miss me even though he was with me for 3 days straight? PDA. PDA. This playboy really fall for me, huh? I laughed at him before going to the bathroom, leaving him dumbfounded.

I finished after an hour, I took a long time to chose a perfect clothes that I would wear for our 'date'.

Not every date requires a skin-tight dress. An edgy denim mini dress serves style and major leg, but still looks laid-back. I style it out with a pair of sneakers from Prada.

When I walked out of the bathroom, I saw him playing a 5v5 game called 'Mobile Legends Bang Bang.'.

"Yah! (Hey!) take a shower now, I'll play that."

"But it's a ranked game.. Aish, fine." he whined while going to the bathroom and I chuckled getting his phone.

The game isn't starting yet, everyone is still picking for their hero. I used a Fighter, Guinevere to be exact. When a enemy went near me, I tapped it's second skill that will make the enemy jump and stunned. I immediately tapped the 3rd skill or the 'SS' to kill Zilong immediately.

At the end of the game, we won.
"Victory!" the speaker announced.

His current rank was Mythic V, and on the last season was Mythical Glory with 251 stars.

I tapped the assistive touch to lower the volume and tapped the home button. My heart flutters to what I saw. His wallpaper was a stolen picture of me while reading a book on the school's library.

I won't check his gallery because that was invading someone's privacy. I put his phone on the bed and go to telephone for room service.

"2 Gyeran Bokkeumbap (Egg Fried Rice), 2 Korean Style Bbq Breakfast Pizza, 2 Korean Kimchi Fried Rice Bowl, and 2 Iced teas. Is that all, ma'am?" the crew asked.


"What time do you want it to be serve?" she asked.

"8-9 am please." I answered.

"Thank you, ma'am, Please enjoy staying here!" she said and I hung up after saying 'thank you'.

I layed on the bed and took some pictures. Jungkook is still on the bathroom, showering. I heard the knock after an hour and I spread it widely, it's the room service.

"Here are your order, ma'am. 2 Gyeran Bokkeumbap (Egg Fried Rice), 2 Korean Style Bbq Breakfast Pizza, 2 Korean Kimchi Fried Rice Bowl, and 2 Iced teas. Enjoy!" she repeated the orders one by one.

Jungkook walk out of the room on time. I prayed before grabbing the chopsticks and started eating, I didn't wait for him.

"How's the game?" he asked worried to loose a star.

"I lost 52 stars..." I pouted.
"I lost 52 stars and gain 109 stars."

"So you won?" Jungkook ased excitedly waiting for my answer. I nod and his smile reach heaven. How cute.

He went behind me and gave me a backhug. He leans on me and rest his chin on my shoulder.

"I love you."

"I hate you." I love you more.

I heard him chuckled while getting the chopsticks on the table. He grab the Gyeran Bokkeumbap (Egg fried rice) and it like a there's no tomorrow. Didn't he eat for a week?

I giggled when he choke. "You better slow down, or you'll going to choke again."

"You're also going to choke, when we make love." he teased. I slap his hand because we're eating, so disrespectful.

After eating, I brushed my teet and do all the things I need to do. Jungkook also did his businesses.
And after some moments, we are now on the road.

We went to Seogwipo Submarine. It is an Aquarium or a Submarine under the sea. There's many fish there, I wish I could swim there too, jk.

Jungkook took a picture of me. I also took him a picture. I can't deny that I really have fun. His smile is giveing me butterflies. Uzgh, Jeon Jungkook, what are you doing to me?

His jokes doesn't fail to make me laugh. I never thought that the most annoying person will make me happy right now. I never imagined myself falling for this jerk.

I admired the beauty of the view infront me. I also stare at Jungkook and admired his side profile, I really can't get over.

"Can you promise me one thing?"
I looked at him.

"What is it?" he asked as an answer.

"Please don't do things that will hurt me. I just don't want to experience that kind of thing." I said giving him a small smile. I'm scared to fall in love. I don't want to get hurt just because of loving someone.

"I can't promise that, pain is one part of love. But I promise, as long as I'm here, I will protect you and always make you happy." he said as he lean on me and kissed my forehead.

I'm happy to have a man like Jungkook. I guess everyone really changes, even a playboy. I hope this won't end, I don't want to let go of him. I hope this will last forever.

"Do you believe in forever?" the topic just got on my mind.

"There's no forever, but there is a Lifetime. On my Lifetime, I will  spend it all with you."


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