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"I still can't believe that he inherited Korean MusiFilm Studios."

Haewon calmly said as she eat her Gogigui (Korean Barbecue). If he is currently a director, where did he study? KAFA or SOPA? That's two of the best schools in Korea. When was the last time I saw him? Maybe 8 or 9 years ago? I really lost my count.

Why do he need to come back? I cursed myself in my mind. I'm the person who signed the papers, so it's my fault that we need to collaborate with his company. But it's a big opportunity to gain more publicity. KMFS is one of the Biggest Filming Company in the country.

I almost choke while drinking my water when I saw him coming to our table. I immediately grab my phone and pretend that I'm texting someone.

"You're texting upside down, Ms. Lee." I look at my phone and it's upside down. How embarassing! Why is he here? Heiranie PABO! I'm on a restaurant and there's a chance that we might see each other. And that chance was today! I'm so unlucky, Life is so unfair!

I smiled awkwardly and excused myself to go in the restroom. I'm not actually going to do something there. I just left,  I might punch his precious face if I stay on our table for more minutes.

"Calm down, but how the hell could I calm down if he's around." I whispered to myself. How the fuck could I face him? But why am I scared? I'm not the one who cheated, it's him.

I inhaled deeply as I walk out of the restroom, I saw him sitting on the table beside us. I gave him a fake smile and starts to eat my food in a fast pace.

"Let's go, Haewon. I want to get out of this place ASAP." I pulled him through the exit even though she's not yet finished.

"Heiran!" Someone called from the back while I was walking to my car. I smiled knowing that it wasn't Jungkook.

"Doc!" I greeted Yoongi with a smile. He's back in service? I'm glad she is.

"How is she?" He looks like he doesn't want to ask me that but at the same time, he wanted to. Knowing who is he talking about, I just answered a simple 'Better than before, Doc'.

"Don't be formal, Director Lee." Yoongi teased. We talk for a bit and decided to go back home. I need to do work for some papers needed for the movie.

I grab my card to open mine and Haewon's condo unit. We shared since it was near our building and we're just going to waste money if bought two units.

"Unnie, did our leading roles already signed the papers that I gave you last week?" I asked Haewon as I sip my coffee. This movie needs to be successful, I don't want to disappoint my dad again.

"Mr. Kang already signed all the papers but Miss Yang still didn't signed one of the contract." Haewon answers as she walk out of the bathroom. Her hair was wet so maybe she just showered.

That was the one of the most important thing needed. That needs to be signed, Yang Min Hye was from KMFS so they are the one who needs to fix this.

"Good evening, may I speak to..." I paused, Do I despise him that much? I can't even say his name. "to Mr. Jeon Jungkook."

[He's currently attending an online meeting, ma'am. Can I know who's I'm speaking to so I can call you later if he finished?]

I closed my eyes before sighing deeply. I look at Haewon before looking at the wall. "Lee Heiran from KD Film Company."

[I'm just going to call you later, Ms. Lee. Have a good night.]

I hang up and throw my phone on the sofa. My mind keeps reminding me what happened on Han River few years ago. I just can't help but think about him.

I waited for hours but there's I received no call. Maybe the lady forgot about me, gee. I realized that I fall asleep when I woke up because of my phone ringing.

"Hello, Lee Heiran speaking." I said with a sleepy voice. I didn't saw who's calling. I yawned because I am still feeling sleepy.

[Hi, Heiran.]

Hearing that voice made my eyes widen. Because of panicking, I hang up without saying a word. Fuck, why do he have to surprise me like that?

I decided to call him again, after some few moments he picked up.

"I'm sorry Mr. Jeon. I just woke up when you called." I apologize as I bit my lip. I don't know what to say, I think my mind flew away.

[My secretary told me that you called last night.]

I look at the time, it's already 3 am. Why the fuck did he call me this early!? That made me feel irritated but I have to act nice to him. I know.. I know I'm too fake but what can I do? I despise him a lot.

"Uh yes. Can you please ask your staffs to get the papers that Yang Min Hye needs to sign?"

[Yeah sure, that's not a problem. Are you going to say anything else?]

What does he mean by that? Stop it Heiran, you're just overthinking. I sighed before responding.

"Yeah, wait for a sec, uhm.." I paused.

[What is it?]


Please don't ever show me your face after this project.

I hang up immediately, not letting him speak a word. I don't want to hear his voice again. It makes me shiver and feel disgusted.

But I still... nevermind.


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