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"Wha-What do you mean by turning yo-you on?"

I tried not to stutter. I admit that I'm nervous right now but why would I be scared of him?

"Byuntae (Pervert!)! I was talking about my feelings, you're making it go back." He flicked my forehead. WTF? He's so straight to the point, he really changed. I playfully hit him and run to the others. Haewon was already sleeping, that was the Make up artist said, she's Haewons's roommate for now.

I take a look at Jungkook and glared at him. He just chuckled and followed us to the van. I sat on the shotgun seat so he can't sit beside me. KMFS' driver was about to go inside but someone called him.

"Mr. Cho, I think you're tired. Let me drive." I heard a voice of a man said using a low voice. Our driver went on the passengers seat and someone hop in on the driver's seat. I facepalm when I saw his face.

"Where are we eating Samgyeop?" Jungkook asked the others and look at the back.

We went to a restaurant nearby. I don't know what's the name because my attention was on my phone. I was scrolling on twitter.

I went to a table for two, I need a time alone and I'm also a killjoy. I don't know what they ordered, I ordered a pasta.

I was busy staring at the stars while waiting for my order. They are shining bright, also the moon. It reminds me of Moon. How is she? We haven't seen each other for awhile. Moon is a busy person right now, she's a TV Host or a News Anchor.

"Ma'am here's your order, enjoy eating." The waiter said as he put my food on the table. He was staring at me, it's weird but I just smiled at me.

"Why aren't you joining us, Heiran?" Jungkook asked as he sit infront me. He's holding a steak on his tray. I just shook my head and started eating. I eat on a fast pace so I would be able to leave the restaurant and rest on the hotel.

I take a look at Jungkook, he was staring at me like I did something wrong. I raised my eyebrows to asked him why he is staring at me, he just chuckled and started to get closer to me.

"Why are you eating so fast? There's a sauce on your face." He get his handkerchief from his pocket and wiped my cheeks. I was just looking at him, he was focused on wiping the sauce on my face. I realised what he was doing so I grab the handkerchief and wiped it by myself.

"Thank you but I can do it by myself." I gave him the handkerchief and walked away. The hotel was near here so I will just walk. I realised what happened earlier. It happened when we were still 12th Graders, it started at McDonald's. Fudge, please don't make history is repeat itself.

My thoughts were cutted when I felt that someone was following me, I stop on walking. I heard a footsteps on my back. I faced the person and saw a man that's 1 meter away from me.

"Continue walking." The man said in foreign language, I can't saw his face because the street light was broken.

"Who are you!?" I shouted. I was just making myself look brave.

"Relax, I was just making sure you will be safe." He said in English and then he grab something on his phone and open the flashlight.

I sighed in relief when I saw Namjoon. I almost punch his face if I didn't saw that it was him. "How are you, Heiran?"

"Happy and annoyed." I shortly respond.

"Waeyo? (Why?)"

"He came back. He didn't come back to rekindle our relationship but to be my assistant director. Do you know how hard it is to focus if he's around? Fuck, I wish I could call this collaboration off."

He rub my back as we continued walking. Namjoon is a Public servant and a Lawyer now and he lives on the condo unit near the hotel that we are staying.

"You, how is your lovelife?"

"I'm getting married soon." He said that made me shock. I look at him and he just smiled at me revealing his dimple. "I'll send you the invitation soon."

"Who's the lucky girl?" I put my hand on my mouth, he's dating the most paid singer in Seoul.

We arrived the hotel thay I was staying. I thanked him and we bid goodbye. I opened the elevator and saw a man standing.

"Where did you come from?" Jungkook asked with a serious tone and face. I pointed outside and he nodded. "With?"

Is he my boyfriend to ask me this kind of things? Gee, I rolled my eyes and just walked in the elevator but he grabbed my wrist and pinned me on the wall. My eyes widen when his face started to get close to mine.

"With?" He asked again with a low voice.

"A friend." I just answer so he can make me leave but I was wrong, his face was still close to mine.

Jungkook stared at my eyes intensely and look down to my lips. He slowly let our lips touch. I got shock when he move his lips and bite mine causing for me to give him access to put his tongue in.

I just let him and didn't kissed back, I'm still processing everything and shocked. He put his hands on my waist and leaned on me. I slowly melt and kissed back. All you can heard is our kissing sound. We stopped making out when we got tired. We are now catching our breath and panting.

"Let's continue it in my room." I didn't have a chance to speak because he drag me to the elevator and kissed me again, nonstop.

I don't want this but my body does. Jungkook stop doing this!


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