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"Eomma, I can't still accept the fact that you are already gone."

It's Christmas and I was now on the cemetery, infront of my mom's grave. I was nearly crying but I stopped myself. I don't want to feel weak anymore, I need to be strong. I walk to my car when it's already 5 pm. My dad's driver opened the door and I thanked him.

I remembered that it's our monthsarry. I scroll to my Facebook to greet Jungkook. But a post caught my eye, I think they took it on their boy's out.

I tried to find Jungkook on the picture that I wished that I didn't do. I dropped my phone on my lap to what I see. I saw Jungkook at the back with a girl, kissing. I can't see the girl's face because she's back facing the camera.

I bit my lips to stop myself from crying. "Are you okay, ma'am?" the driver asked while looking at me.

I nod. "Can you drive me to Han River?" He immediately nod and turn the steering wheel to the other way.

When we arrive, I ask him to leave me there alone. He hesitate but agree after some few moments.

I get out of the car and kneel down the grass. I let my bag slide from my shoulder. Tears slowly fall down from my eyes. Why is my life getting worse? Fuck my life. Will I always cry every day and night?

I sit down on the lowered my head. I put my hands on my face and ask myself my thoughts while sobbing. Do I really deserve to be this hurt? Please wake me up from this nightmare.

"Kookie!" I heard someone shouted from my back, it's Chinsun. My heart broke into pieces when I saw her running to Jungkook. She gave her a hug. What hurts the most is when Chinsun gave him a long kiss. I look down, tears still falling. He didn't even pushed her away.

I supposed to be the only person that will do that to him. I'm his partner, not her. Maybe I'm not his girlfriend, maybe I'm just one of his toys or playdates. You didn't really change Jungkook, you're still a playboy.

I can't just stay here, I need to go somewhere. But before I could ran away, he saw me.

"Heiran! Comeback!" I heard him yelled my name, but I didn't dare to look back.

I walk away and find a taxi as soon as possible. He knocked on the taxi but I didn't opened it.

I gave the driver my address and he started the engine. I started to cry. I don't know what to do. Is crying going to be my habit?

"Why is being hurt part of love?"
I whispered while wiping my tears.

"Love doesn't hurt, but loving the wrong person does." The taxi driver said while his eyes were on the road.

Did I whispered it that loud? Does he meant that I'm not loving the right person?

When I arrived the house, a slap landed to my face. My face went to the right, it was the hard slap.

"What happened to you, Heiran! I'm so disappointed!" My dad said angrily.

I can't speak a word, I know that it's my fault. One of my teachers called my dad and informed me that my grades are going down.

"Damn it! I shouldn't let you study here in Korea. I know that you could do better when you're studying abroad. You really made me disappointed, Heiran!" He shouted.

"Fix your mess, Heiran. And break up with Jungkook!" He yelled again before walking to his room.

Soon, Appa. Soon.

I was left standing in the living room. I can't move, even a bit. I was shocked because of what my father did. He already changed. His temper was so short now. He is always mad. It all started when my mom died.

I know that after graduation, Appa will push me to study to Yale or Harvard not to SOPA or KAFA. It's my punishment for not doing good at school.

It takes me to realise what happened for 10 minutes. I ran to my room and started crying.

Now, he is disappointed on me? It was the first time he yelled at me. It's the first time he layed a finger on me. I kinda feel bad about it. I'm not yet done thinking about what happened with Jungkook then this happened. My life sucks.

I just failed once, I didn't even failed. My grades just got low. I did everything to satisfy them, but it's still not enough.

That is life, Heiran. That is life.


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