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tw: death

"Just wait here, Ms. Lee. The photographer is on his way."

The staff of Fila Korea informed me. I just nod and sat infront of the mirror. I don't usually use make up except when there are shoots but I know how to put them on. I saw a sweat on my forehead so I covered it with foundation.

It wasn't hot but I'm really sweating. I'm nervous again, my first ever shoot for Fila Korea. I hope that the photographer is not that strict.

"Goodmorning beautiful lady, the photoshoot is going to start." The staff earlier said and guide me to the studio.

I stunned when I saw a familiar man holding a camera. Is my life a reunion? I keep on meeting people from my past.

I sighed before walking confidently to him. He was also shocked when he saw me but he immediately smiled at me.

"Goodmorning, beautiful lady." He gave me his hand and I gladly accepted it. I never removed the fake smile on my face, I'm still a bit mad at him for hurting my bestfriend.

"Mr. Kim this is Ms. Lee, Ms. Lee this is Mr. Kim." Mrs. Louisiana introduced us to each other. She's with me again because Savannah is with Soojin.

"Hi V."

"Hello Grace." My nickname, he still didn't forget it.

"You both know each other? How?" Mrs. Louisiana asked with a confused look.

"She's my schoolmate."

"He's Soojin's ex."

We both said in chorus that made Mrs. Louisiana laughed. This is going to be embarassing. Really.

I'm wearing a Fila Disruptors as my shoes, partnered with a Fila jacket and a Fila leggings.

"Yeah, that's good." Taehyung praised me as I did a pose.

I lean my back on the wall and put my right foot up. This is a famous pose for millennials now a days. My pose is like flexing my shoes, I love it btw.

Taehyung thanked me and immediately left the studio because he needs to meet someone important. My head hurts and I don't know the reason why. Maybe because I was thinking about Jungkook the whole night. Yea, it's his fault that I didn't get enough sleep last night.

Mrs. Louisiana already left, she told me that she have many things to do. She's really hard working. I suddenly remembered my mom, she's like Mrs. Louisiana, she's also a model that became a manager then became the Executive of KD Film Company. I miss her, I'm going to visit her grave after visiting my dad.

I tapped the elevator button, when it opened, I frozed in my position. I didn't expect him here, I walk in and just tapped the 'G' button to send me to the 1st floor/ground floor. I'm ignoring his presence, I remembered what he said and what he did to me before leaving my unit.

"Hello, Heiran." Jungkook started.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" I asked and gave him a wonderful smile but to be honest, I'm really nervous.

"Fila is a sponsor for the upcoming movie that Irene and I will make."He explained and gave me his famous bunny smile. I nodded and answered him a simple 'okay'.

The elevator arrived at the ground floor and I walked to the waiting shed. I am finding for an uber, I can't track one. A black Lamborghini Aventador stopped in front og me, the window opened revealing Jungkook.

"Hop in." He said with a smile.

"No, thanks. I'll just wait for an uber." I smiled back and look away, not wanting to have an eye contact with him.

"I insist." I groaned before rolling my eyes. The ride was so silent, no one dare to speak. I was busy with my phone while he was focused on the road.

"What happened?" I asked raising my brows at him because he stopped the car.

"Now, I got your attention." He said, staring at me with a serious face. He's eyes become dark. I look at him when he was leaning on me.

"Wha-," he cut me off by kissing me.

I curse when I kissed back. This is fucking wrong, he have a fiancee waiting for him. But I can't control myself anymore.

"I love you." I want to say an I love you back but my mind says don't. He hugged me, I can feel his bare skin touching me. Yes, we fuck here. In his freaking car.

He put my clothes on and also his. We went to McDonald's before going to my dad, I want to visit him, I promised Appa.

We arrived at the mansion. My lower area hurts but I act that I feel nothing. Appa was already outside, maybe he's really waiting for me. I walk to him and  gave him a warm hug.

"How are you dad?" I asked and kissed his cheek.

"I'm slowly getting weaker." Appa smiled at me bitterly. I hugged him again, and a tear escaped from my eye. He's heart is weak, that started when mom died.

"Don't worry, Appa. I'll call the best docto-," He cut me off.

"You can run the company alone, right? I already filled my last will. I gave you 100% of my shares and all of my properties, as well as the KDFC." Tears are building up in his eyes. He let us in and we sat on the couch.

"Don't say that, Appa. Please..." I begged.

"Jungkook.." He called him.
"Take care of my daughter, and marry her because I'm now giving my blessing to the both of yo-,"

He didn't finished what he said because he passed out. I called for his personal nurses to revive him but... he's already gone.

And here it goes again... my world crushes into pieces again.

I felt so hopeless... I lost everyone that I love. Fuck it. I hate the world.


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