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tw: death, depression

"The dog got hit! Oh my god!"

I heard one of the passengers shouted. I immediately take a look and all I so was blood on the road. Oh my gosh, I don't want to see bloods from a dog, it breaks my heart.

I heard that it's a Pomeranian puppy. I look to the window and realised that I was already infront of my house. I jumped off the bus and went inside. I think no one's home, the house is filled with silence.

I heard a sound from the backyard. I saw Sushi laying on the ground, lifeless. My legs trembles when I saw blood stains. Is she the dog that get bumped by the bus that I was riding?

I'm right, she's that dog. After they burried her on the backyard. I immediately ran to my room and locked myself.

Sushi is the only one that ease my tiredness. Why do I need to loose her? Did I do something wrong?

I went to school the other day, but I look like a mess when I got there. My eyes are puffy because I cried all night. I also got an eyebag.

Jungkook was absent so I skipped some of my classes and just stay at the rooftop. Maybe he got an hangover last night because of their hang out.

I feel bored so I called my dad's driver to pick me up. I went to the clinic to ask for a medcer. She gave me one when she look at my messed up situation.

I skipped school for a day, I wouldn't be able to focus if I was there so I just choose to stay at home. I got many texts and missed calls from the others, but there's nothing from Jungkook.

I was crying when I felt my phone vibrating, someone's calling. I take a look to the Caller ID, it's Appa.

[Please don't freak out, Heiran.] He said and I just hummed in response.

[Y-you're mom got involved in an a-accident. She's on a c-coma.] I almost dropped my phone by hearing those painful words.

Appa texted me the hospital's name and I immediately drive there. I asked the person on the information desk where is Lee Yoori's room. He immediately gave it to me.

I saw my beautiful mother laying on the hospital bed. I covered my mouth with my hand to stop my urge to cry. There are many machines plugged to my mom.

"The doctor said that the machines are the only thing that gives life to your mom. Without that, she could be dead any minute."

I immediately hug my father and cry on his shoulder. I can't loose her too, I don't want to. She should survive.

"Don't cry, honey. She's going to be fine."

"I don't want to loose her, Appa." I said between sobs.

"You won't, sweetheart. You won't." he said while stroking my hair.

I need someone right now. I need a tight hug right now. Where are you Jungkook? I need you right now.

"Can I go inside to check my mom?" I asked the nurse that just went out of my mom's room.

She shook her head. "I'm sorry miss, but your mom's condition is not yet stable." By that, she left me standing dumbfounded infront of the door.

I'm already gone for a week. I'm just here waiting for Eomma to wake up. I'm still waiting for his messages, I hope he's fine. I forgot to asked Taehyung and Soojin things about Kook when they visited me.

My phone vibrated, Jimin's calling.

[I'm outside the hospital, Can you pick me here?] He asked. I just answered a simple 'okay'. I take a look to my mom before going out.

I saw a figure sitting on a bench near a tree. I tapped his shoulders and he quickly turn around.

He eyed me for a moment before hugging me. This is what I need, this is what I want Jungkook to do. Unfortunately, Jimin is not Jungkook.

"Cry." Jimin said as I burried my face to his shoulders. I started to cry. I can't handle this pain, It hurts to much.

"Everything's going to be fine." He said to clam me down, he successfully did.

"I hope so." I shortly responded.

We went inside to checked my mom. I panicked when I saw doctors and nurses running to my mom's room.

"Doc, her pulse rate is going down." When I heard that, I immediately hugged Jimin and cry again. Please don't.

"Prepare for reviving." The doctor said to the nurses. "1, 2, Clear!"

I calmed down when the surroundings went silent. Maybe she's already stable, that's what I thought.

"Time of death, 12:51 noon." I burst out again hearing that from the doctor.


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