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"Hey, wake up sleepyhead. You're breakfast is already served."

I heard Jungkook said as he gave kisses on my face. PDA. I giggled before kissing him on the cheek. He prepared me a breakfast in bed, wow.

"I'll just take a shower, love. Then after you eat, get ready for school." He sounded like a mom. He got his things to the bathroom and I ate what he prepare.

Jungkook finished showering after 30 minutes. I take a bath after him and put my uniform on.

I was busy scrolling through my phone when I felt someone holding my hand. I smiled at him and let him play with my hand while he's driving.

We arrived to the campus, 1 hour before classes starts. Jungkook is still holding my hand, I am just laughing at him mentally. Everytime that I will yanked it away, he will gave me a death glare.

"Yah! (Hey!) Can the four of you stop that lovey dovey thingy?" Jimin exclaimed when he saw us walking with Taehyung and Soojin. We ignored him and just continue our businesses.

2 Classes already ended. We're currently at Korean Language Class. Mr. Kim is speaking infront while I'm writing notes.

"Babe?" I heard someone whispered. I turn my gaze and saw Jungkook staring at me and mouthing something. I wiggled my brows to asked him 'what'.

I saw him mouthing 'fuck you' so I glared at him. He shook his head and I saw him writing something. He show me a paper, "Saranghae," I read.

I admit that I blush but it was interrupted by the bell ringing. It's now lunch time. While I'm fixing my things, I felt someone's hand snaking around my waist. I giggled, knowing who's scent I'm smelling.

"Where do you want to eat?" He whispered on my ear. I giggled again because his voice tickles me.

We ended eating on the cafeteria with the Jimin, and the other couple. I don't want to go outside the campus.

"I'm excited for the Christmas holiday." Taehyung cutely exclaimed. I just laughed at him and starts eating my food.

"You are always excited if there's no school. All you want is to spend time with Soojin." Jimin snapped.

"At least I have a girlfriend, unlike you." Taehyung fired back.

"Stop right there, why do you always argue?" Jungkook acts that he was the oldest among the three of them. "Are you two really seniors? You are both acting like kindergarten students.

"Gee, calm down babe." I patted his shoulders.

"We are just doing some foolish arguments, stop being serious."
Jimin rolled his eyes.

Before the foolish argument turn to a real argument, the bell already rang. It's time for Science.

I'm not paying attention in class. I think my mind flew away. My eyes feel heavy so I closed it. I made my long hazelnut colored hair as curtain to prevent being caught.

Classes already ended. Jungkook can't drive me because the boys called for a boys night so I ended up riding a bus.

I got bored on my way home so I opened my social media account.
I stalked Jungkook's Instagram account.

I saw his IG story, it was me sleeping earlier at Mrs. Oh's class. It has a tiny words, 'Are you tired, Mrs. Jeon?'

His feed was full of us. The latest was when we were on a beach, that was last week. He captioned it 'I'm at peace'.

But one post caught my eye, it's was a stolen picture of me while reading on the library.

The caption made my heart flutter.

"She's the Right Person." I read before my head bump into the seat infront.


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