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"So for today, we will discuss.."

I didn't pay attention to what Mrs. Oh was saying. Today's English class is so boring. Unfortunately, we still have 40 minutes left to learn. But this is the last class and I'm going to have a date with Jungkook later. Qe are dating for a month now. Dear time, please be nice even just now. I look around and saw all my classmates talking, not paying attention to Mrs. Oh.

When our gaze met, he winked at me that made me blush. Aish, stop that flirty things you're doing Jungkook.

"Class dismissed." Mrs. Oh said when the bell rang. Thank you time, I owe you a lot.

Jungkook put his arm around me and we walk through the hallway. As expected, the hallway is very loud. I saw someone bumped into Jungkook, he was about to attacked him but I grab his arm. He smiled at me and continued walking.

"Babe, where do you want to go?" he asked while getting inside his car.

"It's up to you." I said smiling.

"Starbucks?" he suggested, I nod.

We arrived there after 10 minutes, thank God there's no traffic. I ordered a Chocolate Chip Cream frappe and he ordered an Iced Americano.  There were many girls going to Jungkook and asking his number but he always say 'I have a girlfriend' while pointing at me.

Of course, that made me blush.

"You're cute when you look like a tomato." Crap, he caught me.

"Shut up." I playfully glared at him. He just chuckled at me while shaking his head.

Our orders are already served and we went out of the shop. We're going to Han River or Seoul Tower. I don't know, I don't care where are we going as long as I'm with Jungkook. It's a long drive, the car was going out of Seoul.

"Babe, we're here." he said as we stop infront of a Modern house, No, it's a mansion. I'm right, we're not on Seoul, We're on Busan.

"Why? Why are we here?" I asked confused.

"My parents just came back here.
I'll introduce you here." he said and went out of the car. He went to my side and open the door for me, such a gentleman.

I was really nervous. I don't know, My heart is beating so fast.

"Good afternoon, young master." an old lady greeted.

"Mrs. Yoon, it's Jungkook." he corrected, I think he doesn't like special treatment.

I immediately greet his parents when they came down. I'm scared of his mother, she looks so cold unlike his father. Mr. Jeon was joyful and welcomed me.

"I guess, you're our Kookie's girl." Mrs. Jeon said. Wow, her expression changed, it's now same as Mr. Jeon. I nod and gave her a smile.

"So what's your name, young lady.?" Mr. Jeon asked formally.

"Heiran, Lee Heiran, sir."

"You don't have to call him 'sir'. Call us 'Eomma' and 'Appa'." his mom staded, I nod and gave them a smile.

"I'm here, Appa, Eomma!" someone yelled from the back. I turn my gaze to him, he looks like Jungkook but I think he's older. "Who's this beautiful, lady?"

"Lee Heiran, sir." His name was Jeon Jung Sun, Jungkook's brother.

The dinner finished and we talked about business. His father's relative was also owning an film company, but they didn't mention it's name.

"He looks more mature and manly while you look.. nevermind." I started a conversation while we're on the car.

"I know what you're thinking. I can be Goofy and at the same time, I can choke you." he said using a deep voice. I gulp hard and immediately look away. I heard him chuckle but I ignored it.

"Babe," he called as I walked away.

"Yeah?" I shortly respond.

"Where's my goodbye kiss?" he pouted. I chuckled and give him a kiss but he made it a long kiss.

I pulled away and waved goodbye to him. I watched him left the garage and I went inside after.

"My lovely parents! When did you come home?" I asked when I saw them on the living room, they were from Busan for the whole month.

"I think before lunch. I missed you so much, darling." Eomma gave me a warm embrace, Appa join us.

This love is what I'm referring to. Even though they don't have so much time, they still gave the all of them to me.

"When will Jungkook go here? I miss your boyfriend." Eomma said, she know that I'm dating Kookie?

"What? Boyfriend? Who?" I panicked. How? When?

"Don't play innocent Heiran, you post a video of you both with a caption of 'filming the most beautiful scene of my life'." Dad said teasingly.

We laughed at the end. I told them how we dated. They are thrilled with my stories, gosh. Are they teens? They act that they are.

"But be aware that love is sometimes dangerous. I don't want you to get hurt Heiran, you're my only child. I hope that your boyfriend also cherish you like how we do to you, honey." My mom said, still hugging me.

"I know that he won't hurt me, Eomma. I trust him." He's the right person, right? He won't do anything that will hurt me, I know it.

"Yeah, he wouldn't." Right?


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