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"Then say YES! OMG, our maknae is growing up!"

I glared at Soojin, I noticed that her attitude is similar to Haewon. Gosh, this two. Speaking of Haewon, she just arrive with Moon and Savannah.

"Hey, I didn't see you for weeks. Where have you been?" I asked Savannah. She just nervously laughed at smiled at me. I'll leave modelling industry so, I will focus on my company. It's more important.

I grab my water bottle to drink water but I almost choke when I saw someone arriving. "Wait, here's our guest."

They invited him. Omg, why? They are traitors! How can they do this to me? I agreed to come not just to relax but to avoid Jungkook. Even though he's out of the country for a shooting. What a great friends I have! Just great!

"Hi, Heiran." He greeted and I heard squeals on my back. My friends really want us to get back together.

"W-What are you doing here? I thought you were on a taping in Barcelona?" I asked as glance to my friends, one by one.

He just shook his head and smiled at me. He pulled his luggage and put it to the back of the van. He's going on a road trip with us? How can I enjoy?

"Let's go, Heiran. Just ignore your ex." Moon calmly said, but I'm sure she's teasing me.

If only their exes were here, I would have revealed them too. It's really annoying, I hope I don't just come. I can't do anything, he is already here. I just went to sleep to forget that he was there even for a while. I also put my airpods on so no one could disturb my sleep.

I tried to sleep but I can't, I was still bothered because he was here. He is our driver today, I bet he'll sleep later because of tiredness. I scrolled through my socmed to have fun, maybe also to avoid his glances. When we arrived, the staffs gladly welcomed us.

I unpacked my things when I arrived my bed. But I got confused because it was for two. Am I going to share with someone? Speaking of someone, the door reveals a guy.. A guy?

I knew it! They really planned for this. I will really retaliate against them when I see their exes again. Why are they so bad to me? Did I do anything to them? I'm so kind to them, why would they do this to me? I'm so dramatic, it isn't a big deal though.

"We haven't seen each other for weeks, how are you?" He asked to have a casual conversation. I gave him a smile and keep myself calm.

"I've been busy. The company.. my house, you know? That's part of being a adult." He was now unpacking his luggage. I'm staying with him for a week. I can't really accept the fact that they planned this, it wasn't a bad idea. But what if someone saw us? Rumours are easily spread on the company, gee.

"What house? A new one?" I nodded and put the things on the walk in closet. The room in this resore is like a condo unit. I didn't pay so I don't know how much is it cost.

"Yeah. It came to my mind that the mansion was full of sadness. That was a witness to all my break downs. It was a witness to my grief over Eomma's, Sushi's and Appa's death. Also how I mourn over my grades and how I lost myself overall." I smiled sadly.

"I'm sorry..." He obviously had nothing more to say. I don't know why he apologizes. It's not his fault, it's never his. It's my fault, no matter what angle he looks at.

I remember again how I went through it. It's hard, it's really hard. Especially when I went to America, I suffered a lot. Yes, Appa pays for my tuition but I live on my own. I have to work just to buy groceries. I used to be a princess, but when I studied abroad, I felt like I'm a prisoner. Appa always reminded me that he loves me, but his love suffocates me. He turned into a monster when mom left us. He had neglected me, but I was never angry with him. I can't, because he's my father. Somehow he did everything to gave me a fancy life..a life that I never wanted.

I can't help but to cry. I cried infront of him. I don't care if he would judge me or what, I really feel sorry for myself. Jungkook hugged me.. I don't want to let go from his embrace. I want to stay at this state forever.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry if I wasn't there." He apologized again.

"You've been there.. For all the times that we're together, you're always there. It's enough.."

Everything that happened in the past comes back to my mind. The woman that looks confident and brave on runaways, is now crying infront of his ex. I cried hardee, I thought it's already done. I thought everything's already fine. Thank goodness he's here. It's not a bad idea to invite him here.

"Thank you.. Thank you for being here." I smiled and hugged him tighter. "Btw, I thought you don't have a dream. How did you ended up in film arts?"

"I already told you.. you're the dream." I can't hide the fact that I'm blushing at that statement even though it's cheesy.

"I'm not a job, Jungkook." I chuckled when he crossed his arms and acted like he was thinking.

"I didn't got my dream so I got yours." He knows that this isn't my dream back then but it's fine. "It's the only way we can be together. I told myself even if you don't let me come back to you, as long as I'm with you, I'm happy."

"I'm so proud of you, Jungkook."

"I know. Your action speaks louder than your words. But I waited years for you to say that." Happiness is evident on his voice. "It satisfy me.. It satisfy me just to hear that from you. All my fatigue left my body. A lot of bad things happened to me when you left. But now that you are here, I'm at peace. Again."

"I remembered how I suffered.. I suffered a lot just to have your dream.." A tear fall from his eye.

He also suffered just to be with me.. I remembered his last message before I left.. He loved me at every way before but what I did was drive him away.


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