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I hit myself multiple times while shouting in my mind. I slept with my freaking ex. I'm so stupid!

I get up and find my clothes, I am wearing Jungkook's clothes when I woke up so I need to change this. I checked the time, it's 4 am. I have 1 hour to fix myself. We will start the shoot later.

Glad that I can still walk, it hurts to be honest but I need to go on the set. I heard some the sound of the shower turned off. I quickly get outside and went to my room.

I slammed the door and closed my eyes for a minute. Fuck, what did I do? I heard a knock, I quickly turn my hair messy so I can pretend that I'm sick.

"Come in, it's open." I said as I throw myself to the bed.

"Heiran, how are you?" Haewon asked as she went in.

"I'm not feeling well." I answered and fake coughed. She nod and pat my head.

"You need to see this." She gave me her phone to let me read an article. "Is that really you? Who's the boy?"

I covered my mouth when I saw a picture of me and Jungkook, making out. His face can't be seen, he was wearing all black last night. The worse is it's #1 trending in Twitter and I'm getting hate. Fuck, I know that my dad already saw this.

But why do they care about my personal life? I'm sure many paparazzi will spy on me all day. I need to warn Jungkook, no I need to avoid him.

"It's going to be fine. I will reschedule the shoot next month. Let's make the people forget the issue first." She said and leave my room. I just stare at the window, first week of shoot, an issue was born.

The door opened revealing Jungkook. I raise my eyebrow on him and let him in. "What are you doing here?"

"Why are you so cold? Did I do something wrong?" He asked, confused.

"Aren't you worried about your company? The issue that I made might affect it." He shook his head and walk to me.

"You're more important that my company, Heiran."

Fuck, don't tell me you're falling for his sweet lines again, Heiran. Stop it! He's already your past, never your present nor future.

"Let's cancel the collaboration." I said coldly. He got shocked and stared at me.

"We already used millions of wons for that movie, we can't just cancel it!" He yelled.

"We can, I'll pay for everything that your company used." I smiled weakly. "Besides, we only shoot for one day, that don't cost too much."

"Are you out of your mind? Are you even thinking?" He said staring at me intensely. I just nod  and lick my lips.

He was about to say something but my dad called.

[What the hell was that, Heiran?] Appa asked, anger is evident from his voice.

"That's nothing, Appa."

[Nothing? It's nothing!? Fuck Heiran! That one picture can ruin our reputation, you know that!]

"I'm sorry, Appa. I'm really sorry." I apologized. I bit my lips to prevent myself from crying.

[What will your sorry do? I'm so disappointed with you.]

For the second time, he's disappointed again. I wish mom is here so he wouldn't change into the person he is right now. I'm going to drown into many problems again.

[Maybe, I'm stupid to make you the executive of the company. Irene is way better that you.]

Irene, Irene, Irene. It's always Irene. He's fucking stepdaughter. I forgot to mention that my dad remarried 5 years ago. I did everything to please him but she's still better.

"I'll pass you the resignation letter tomorrow, dad." I didn't let him speak a word, I hung up. I forgot that Jungkook was still there, he was staring at me with teary eyes. I smiled at him and got my luggage.

"So... We don't need to cancel the collaboration between yours and my dad's company. Irene will replace me as the director. I think you know her, she produced many movies that top the Film Fest." I explained to Jungkook while I was fixing my things.

"Are you going to leave me?" He was staring at me, eyes are still teary.

"No, don't act that we're still together." I scoffed and laughed sarcastically.

"We made love and I'm your first." Jungkook said without hesitation.

"Made love? We didn't, yeah you are my first but that was called fucking." I said and left him dumbfounded. I tried to walk even my legs hurt. I used my car and drive at our condo. I need to make myself calm first.

"I'm so stupid. You're so stupid Heiran!" I inhaled and exhaled deeply. I printed a resignation letter to pass my dad tomorrow. I also booked a flight to New York, Soojin was there.

I tried to sleep but what I did with Jungkook keeps bugging me. I started to cry but I don't know why. Crying helps me sleep tho.

I sighed before entering the mansion. I asked the maids where is my dad, they told me that he is eating with my stepmom Yeri, and my stepsister, Irene. I thanked him and saw them laughing. They are talking about something funny.

"Goodmorning, Mr. Lee." I greeted him while looking down. His aura become dark which made me get nervous. "Here's the resignation letter and papers."

"Did I told you to resign?" I shook my head and look at him.

"It's based on my own decision. I want to continue my dream." His brows raised and glared at me.

"Dream? Isn't being a film maker and a music producer your dream?" He asked and I shook my head. I gave them all a small smile before looking down again.

"It isn't my dream for myself, dad. It's yours." I said and bit my lip to prevent my tears to flow.

"Are you saying that I pushed you to get your course and this job?" He's now mad. I nod, I don't care if he despise me, I don't want him to control me anymore.

"Bullshit!" He spat. "Get out of my house!"

"Honey, your heart. Please calm down." Yeri said while caressing Appa's back. If only dad could  see the smirk that she is wearing... I slowly walk on the main door without looking back. This is what I want right? Being free is what I want but why do I feel so sad and helpless.

"Epitome of Grace is what others call you, but now they're calling you a slut." Irene said sarcastically as she closed the door.

I don't want someone to control me. This is what I really want. I need to do this. I am Lee Heiran, and I promise to live myself without someone controlling me. I will live for myself, not for the others. I will be back and get what I really deserve.


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