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"Marry? As in? Wedding?"

Jungkook's mom was shocked because of our news. She can't even form a sentence. But we know that they are happy for us.

But I'm nervous because Jungkook's aunt is staring at me the whole time, glaring rather. Jungkook noticed that so he squeezed my hand to assure that everything's going to be fine.

"Beach wedding is a good idea, right Heiran?" Mrs. Jeon looked at me with a smile.

"It is, ma'am. Actually, that's what we talked about. I don't want a fancy wedding." I answered before biting my steak.

"A simple beach wedding then." Mrs. Jeon nod her head, still looking at me. "Call me Eomma, or anything you please.."

I just slowly nod. I was stunned, I don't know what to say. I feel so blessed because they accepted me to their family. Jungkook was just eating peacefully while holding my hand. He answers when he is the one being spoken to.

After meeting his parents, we headed to my parents' grave. I don’t want to be emotional because I need to move on and accept their death. I saw our maid's daughter, Eun. She came from his father's grave nearby.

"Where's your mom, Eun?" I asked her as she lit the candle at my parents' grave. She smile before looking at me. Such a nice child.

"In Daegu, ma'am. She's visiting our relatives there." She smiles again.

"You can have the mansion. Don't worry about the expenses, I'll take care of that." I didn't expect that she will hug me. I hugged her back.

"Thank you ma'am, Uh.. I'm sorry, I got your shirt wet." She apologized, I just smiled at her to assure that it's fine.

We went to Jungkook's house in Songpa-gu. I saw his luxurious house, it's modern. The color of the pallets are what I told him for our dream house. I can't help but to cry. Tears of Joy. I realised that Jungkook really loves me, it's not really a game. I'm really important to him.

"How's our house? Do you like it?" Jungkook asked when he came out of the bathroom.

"I can't wait to marry you and live here with you." I hugged him. I heard him humming a song. I know it. It's 'Boyfriend' by Justin Bieber.

He cooked me a stew first before we left. He should teach me how to cook because it's so damn delicious.

We went to my house—to our second house in Myeongdong. It's almost done. I'm sure that it's going to be finished before the wedding. I hired many workers to build our home quickly.

"What if something breaks us apart again?" I asked him suddenly.

"I won't let that happen, Heiran. Even the world is against us, I will always fight for our love. I won't promise because I will definitely do that." He said and kissed my forehead.

I went to the mansion to pick our other stuffs. My mom and dad's thing were buried with them so the things are only few. A flash drive from my mom's possessions caught my eye. It was labelled with my name. I immediately grab my laptop in the living room.

"Hi Heiran.. It's your mom. How are you? I'm sorry if I didn't spend your birthday with you. I'm too busy because I'm finishing something in the company..." Tears started to stream on my face.

"Jungkook rushed me to the hospital. He promised me to protect you.. to love you.. to take care of you.." She smiles at the camera pretending that I'm infront of her.

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