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"You just ruined any chance of getting into my pants."

I snapped, wanting the conversation like that to end but I made it worst.

Jungkook went on top of me while memorising every corner of my face. While me, frozen like an ice. I can't move, I'm stuck.  He cupped my face and leaned on it. After a second, his lips touch mine. At first, I didn't respond but I slowly melted at the kiss.

I put my arms around his neck, deepening the kiss. His eyes weren't full of hunger and lust. The kiss was gentle, it gave me butterflies. We pulled out when we're out of breath.

Because of awkwardness, I went out of the room and went to the beach. Why the hell did I do it? Why did I kissed back?

My motto is 'Stay away, there's a Playboy on the way'. Hell, why? I hate myself now.

"What are you doing here? All of them are now eating." Someone spoke on my back.

"It's fine Jimin, I'm not yet hungry." I said and gave him a smile. He sit beside me and admired the beautiful view infront of us.

"Why are you zoning out earlier? Is there something wrong?" Jimin asked, concerned.

"It's nothing, I'm just thinking what to buy later." I lied.

"Okay, Let's eat now.. I'm starving." Why is boy this always hungry? I just nod and followed him behind.

I saw them eating seafood, I take a peek to someone. Our eyes met, I rolled it and sit beside Jimin. They ordered a lot, it's too much for us. I only eat some shrimp and kimchi, I ain't feeling hunger, too numb.

I thew my attention to my phone and just scrolled into Instagram. He uploaded a story, I opened it and I saw a picture of me sleeping while we are on the plane. It's caption was 'She fell asleep because of jealousy.' What the Hell?

"I'm not jealous to that flight attendant!" I shouted-whispered, enough for them to hear.

"Are you okay?" Soojin asked, I smiled awkwardly and nod. I glared at Jungkook after and guess what? He just gave me an annoying grin.

After eating, we parted ways with our partners. Of course, Jungkook being Jungkook, giving me sweet or special treatments.
He will hold my hand even though it is sweating. Telling stories about him. Praising me. I can't tell that my day wasn't fun. I can now call him 'Sweet Koo' instead of 'Playboy Koo'.

We also buy some souvenirs. I bought a bag and wallet while him, I don't know.

"Heiran, come here." Jungkook called. Me being a dog, walk to him. He asked me to turn around so I followed his command.

"Always wear this, okay?" he said while putting a mini skateboard design necklace on my neck. I just nod and gave him a smile.

I admired the necklace and I noticed a tiny caption on the back.

''Mrs. Right aka Mrs. Jeon.'' I whispered and I heard him chuckled. He gave me his hand and I saw a bracelet there, same design. "Mr. Right aka Mr. Jeon."

Everything went fine, no it's great, nah it's the best. We have a good time together. We eat steak for dinner. I think he saw me struggling on slicing my steak so he offered help.

Everything went awkward when he changes the topic.

"So, what do you think? What's your answer to my suggestion?" he asked sitting on a the right side of the bed.


"Remember when we played truth or dare? I asked you to date me." he stated.


"If one of the boys here ask you on a date, will you agree to date him?" she asked.

"Yeah.. I mean there are many kinds of date such as hangouts, get-togethers, friendly, and more." she nod and passed me the bottle.



"Try to date me."

My thoughts got cutted by Jungkook yelling something. "EARTH TO HEIRAN!"

"I thought you were just joking around back then." I said smiling, well, think of a reason to get out of this awkwardness, Heiran.

He shook his head while chuckling. "I'm not, maybe I'm a playboy back then but I'm serious when it comes to relationships with the one I love."

"So you are just playing with the girls you'd dated?" He nod before looking at me, staring rather.

"But when it comes to you, I can't play my game.. because I already lose." 

"I'll just go to the bathroom, excuse me." Before I could go, he gripped on my wrist but not so tight. I raised my eyebrow and he sighed heavily.

"Can you please stay for a minute? I won't waste your time, please." he pleaded so I nod and he gave me a small smile.

"This is something important so listen carefully to what I am saying." Jungkook said, eyes full of nervousness. I hummed in response.

"I lose the game because I like you. No, I already fall in love with you. I don't know how to confess because it's my first time."

"It's your first time." I repeated.

"Yeah, and it's with you." he said as he lean me into a kiss.

"I love you, Heiran."

The kiss wasn't needy or hungry, it was passionate and gentle. It's the same as earlier, it's giving me butterflies on my stomach. I don't know what I'm feeling. The first kiss was a peck, second was earlier and third was now. And it's all with Jungkook.

Do I love him? What the real definition of Love? Is this Love? Am I feeling Love? Jeon Jungkook, You're making me insane!

My thoughts were cut when he both pulled away.

"This is the last time that I will kiss you on the lips." Jungkook stated.

"Why?" I sounded like I'm whining.

"The next is when we're finally official." he said before kissing me on my forehead.


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