Thirty Four.

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I stared at the cheque, it was a substantial amount. I was unsure if I wanted to look at the letter he had written me. I had no idea as to why he has given me such a large amount of money and where had he gotten it from? I had so many unanswered questions flowing through my head. I took a deep breath and unfolded the letter.


Knowing you, you’ve probably opened up the envelope first and if not then well aren’t I a fool? But seriously if you haven’t go ahead and open it now.

As you have probably noticed it is a $100, 000 cheque. I believe you can have great use for money like this and I want you to use it to your advantage such as going for a drivers licence, getting a car, buy a new couch, even possibly saving it for when the little ones are on the way.

Meeting you was the best thing to ever happen to me Skylar. You always kept a smile on my face and made me forget about what I was dealing with. The amount of times I tried to tell you, I just couldn’t bear to see you upset yet again and I know it was wrong of me to shock you like I did, the doctor and nurses told me of when you stayed and refused to leave.

Promise me you’ll stay strong for me, you and I both know I’m in a better place now, and who knows I could be chatting away with my mom. Oh how she would have loved you Sky, I don’t know how anyone wouldn’t love you. Harry is one lucky human being having you as you are having him. You two are the strongest couple I have ever seen, you two just click, the connection between you just spreads throughout a room. The way you look at each other regardless if one of you isn’t looking back is mesmerising.

I guess all I’m trying to say is that Harry is really there for you. I don’t know if you’ve chosen to let him see this or not but let him be a part of every major decision from here on, if you want an input or not. Now if he isn’t with you, be with him and talk to him about it.

But first, you must know I’ll always be around except when you and Harry are doing the naughty. I love you Skylar, I always have and always will, you were the best friend I always wanted and was so thankful to have.

Your #2 best friend Tristan x

I wiped the tear slipping down my cheek. He was so right about everything I stood up straight away and walked out to Harry who sat at the table. His head snapped towards me and stood to his towering height, cupping my cheeks in his hands with a worried expression.

“What’s wrong?” he asked, wiping a tear with his thumb. I stood on my tip toes and pulled Harry down by the nape of his neck to meet him in a sweet kiss.

“I love you so much,” I whisper.

“I love you too, baby,” he pecks me one more time, “Why are you crying?” he asks stroking my cheek with his thumb.

“Harry, I want you to be a part of every single thing that happens in my life, you know that right?”

“Of course, as I you.”

“Tristan has left me a cheque for $100 000.”

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