Thirty Three.

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While Harry and I were on the floor playing with Peach, my phone began to shrill through the laughter. I stood up, picking my phone up as soon as I reached it. Unknown number.

“Hello?” I asked.

“Skylar? It’s Leon… Tristan’s dad.”

“Oh, hello Leon.”

“I don’t mean to alarm you or anything by randomly calling you, but I’m just going through some paper work that Tristan left behind and there’s a note and something else for you.”

“Um, would you like to meet up somewhere?” I asked

“I don’t mind whatever will be easiest for you. I can leave the note in your letter box and the other thing I’ll have to leave somewhere safe until you can pick it up.”

“What is the other thing?”

“I, uh… I think its better that I not say what it is.”

I looked over at Harry who held peaches in his arms, lightly scratching her little head. “Who is it?” he mouths, mirroring my confused expression.

“Leon, Tristan’s dad,” I mouth back, “Leon, I’ll meet you in front of the complex in 30 minutes.”

“Take your time I’m already here at his apartment and I will be for a while.”

“I’ll see you there then.”

“Okay dear, I’ll see you in 30 minutes.”

“You will.” I hung up and rubbed my forehead.

“What did he want?” Harry asked.

“Tristan has left a note and something else for me. I have no idea what it is but it sounds serious.”

“Why didn’t he give it to you before?”

“I don’t know,” I shrug at him, just as confused as he is.

“Well, you said 30 minutes, so let’s go.” He put Peaches down softly and she shook her body making her little collar jingle. I walked over to her and picked her up, giving her a kiss on her head.

“We’ll be back soon,” I whisper, scratching behind her ear and kissing her head again before placing her back on the carpet.

I walk up the stairs with Harry right behind me. We put out coats on before venturing out into the cool air towards the car. The drive back to the complex was silent. The suspense of not knowing what was waiting for me was thick in the air between us, we became tense as Harry pulled into the complex and parked in his usual parking spot.

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