Thirty Eight.

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I jolted awake to the sound of the alarm, while Harry groaned and pulled me closer into his chest. “Turn it off,” he mumbled.

“No, we have to get up.”

“But it’s so early,” he continued to complain, nuzzling his head in the crook of my neck.

“But it’s the day of your best friend’s wedding and you’re the best man. You need to get your butt to his room and get ready.”

He randomly started to chuckle, and sat up rubbing his face.


“Can’t wait to see that puffy, pink dress,” he smiled down at me.

“It’s not pink and puffy, I was kidding,” I shrugged grinning at him.

“Sophie didn’t choose pink?” his eyes widened, “She always wants pink in something.”

“It’s like a burgundy colour, like your jackets.”

“Well, now that makes sense as to why we could only choose ones suits with burgundy on it,” he nods.

“Well off you go, time to get ready.”

“And what about you?”

“I’m going to sleep in for a little bit, because I don’t have to be in Sophie’s suite until 9 to get make-up and hair done.”

“Why’d you set the alarm for 7 then?”

“Because that’s what I was told. I had to set it for 7 and tell you to get ready because you guys like to muck around a bit before actually getting ready,” I told him, while still being half asleep.

“Well I was told we don’t have to be there until 9 as well,” Harry laid back down, pulling me back into his chest.

“How convenient,” I turned to face him, and he was trying so hard to hold his smile in.

“Gives us some spare time,” he bites his bottom lip awhile he runs his fingertips down my stomach and played with the elastic of my underwear.


“Good morning ladies,” I chirped as I entered Sophie’s suite.

“Oh someone got some,” Lisa smirked at me then gave me a hug.

“We woke up a little early,” I winked and took a seat in front of a mirror.

“Right now that we are all here, the stylists can now come up,” she lifted a phone up to her ear and began talking to someone.

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