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“Time for the weekend, Sky,” Helen, the manager smiled at me, reminding me my shift was over.

“Are you sure you don’t need any extra help?” I asked not really wanting to sit at home for the next 3 and a half hours doing nothing.

“Yes love, I’m positive you go home. Plus I’m sure Tristan is waiting for you,” she winked and nudged me softly.

“Nothing is going on between us Helen, just friends.”

“Alright, I’m just saying he’s a nice boy and maybe you should consider pursuing something with him,” she smiled cheekily.

 “I’m not sure I should Helen, I’m not ready,” I shrug.

“Us women, we never are.” She left to attend to customers while I walked out the back and put my apron on the hanger and collected my belongings before walking back out from the back and out the main café entry.

“Only 10 minutes,” I heard a voice come from beside me, I rolled my eyes at him and poked my tongue out.

“Suck it up princess,” I began walking towards my apartment and he caught up. He was unusually quiet this afternoon, I looked over a few times and he was looking at the ground chewing on his lip. A characteristic I’ve learnt he only does when he’s thinking or concentrating.

We finally reached the complex and we ventured up the stairs to the fifth floor where my apartment was located with two others. I turned to see him off but he just stood there, slowly looking up to meet my gaze.

“Can I ask you a question, which might bring up a few things?”

“Uh, sure.”

“Who was the guy? You know, who cheated on you,” he asked digging his hands into his jacket pockets. I knew he would ask one day, and I guess he had the right to know, when I didn’t have Sophie to speak to, he was there and since he didn’t know Harry personally it kind of made things a little better.

“Um – You don’t have to answer,” he interrupted.

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