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“L-lung cancer?” I asked as my voice cracked.

“Miss, Mr Hunt has been heavily smoking for what seems the past 8 years – What? No that can’t be he told me 4 years.”

“Unless he’s finished one and lit another up straight away, I don’t know what else can explain the damage to his lungs,” he looked down at me sympathetically. “Mr Hunt has done severe damage to his lungs and only a slim chance of survival, but we aren’t giving up hope and when he wakes up we’ll move him into a normal ward room and discuss treatments.”

“When will he wake up?”

“It can be hours or days, when he passed out he had hit his head pretty hard causing him to become unconscious, and mixed with the lack of oxygen has caused a mini coma.” I nodded in understanding.

“When can I see him?” I asked.

“You’ll have to wait out here for at most an hour so we can set him up in the ICU, I’ll get one of my nurses to send you in as soon as we can,” he nodded and rubbed my back. I wiped my eyes and turned around to go sit on a chair, but there was already a couple occupying the chairs. I walked over to the other side of the hall and resting up against the wall.

I slid down the wall breaking down completely, pulling my knees to my chest and crying into my knees. I felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket, I was too weak to even lift my hand to see who it was. Whoever was calling didn’t give up, they tried at good 4 times before they converted to messaging.

I weakly shoved my phone into the pocket of my jacket and slowly began to drift off into a forced sleep. I was tired of everything. Tired of crying. Tired of fighting with Harry. Tired of telling myself that I need to think more. I hated the fact Harry was right. I hate that I can’t ever hate him no matter how much he hurt me. I hate the fact that every time I see his face butterflies grow. I hate that I’m sitting on the floor of a hospital because Tristan lied to me. I hated that I hated everything. And I fell into a soft slumber, waiting for news about Tristan.


“Sky,” I heard a soft voice call, shoved them off in desperate need of sleep. “Sky,” the voice called more sternly, making my head jolt up with a scowl across my face. I met the gaze of two blue eyes and a shy smile. “Hey honey, come up off the floor,” Sophie stood up and pulled me up with her, holding me out in front of her before I broke down once again in her arms.

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