Twenty Nine.

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I hardly got any sleep last night, my mind was too worried about today. Harry made me a hot chocolate and we sat out on his bedroom balcony until I lightly slept, resting on his chest as he rubbed my back, but that only lasted an hour if that before I just laid on his chest listening to his heartbeat against my ear.

I looked in the mirror, tying back my hair into a small pony tail after washing my face and walking out of the bathroom, making my way downstairs into the kitchen to grab something to eat before we had to leave. I heard footsteps come close to me and then a hand rested on my waist protectively.

"How are you?" he asked softly, I shrugged shutting the fridge door and turning to face him, tears slowly building up and my throat closing up from holding them back.

"Babe," Harry started, pulling me towards him, "you don't need to hide anything, if you want to cry, you cry," he curled his arms around me, I nodded and fisted his shirt in my hands.

"It's just hard, you know?" I asked above a whisper.

"And it will be, but you have to remember all the good times instead of how he is now," he leaned back and tilted my chin up, "he just wants you to be happy, even if it means a few days being smothered with hot chocolates and cuddles," he smiled making a smile appear on my face.

"I wish it was as easy as it's said."

"Whatever you're feeling, sad, happy, grumpy, hungry or anything else, I'm here for you. If you want to sit down and let everything out, I'll get the wine and crackers," I let out a breathy laugh and wiped away a stray tear. "I know the next few days will be hard but you have to remember he wants this, and he'll be in a much better place," he reminded me and I nodded.

It wasn't long before we left for the hospital, the drive seemed a little too slow while time was going a million times faster, this whole day seemed to be going faster than any other day and I was becoming nervous, it was just under 2 hours until the doctors came in to put him to sleep.

We ventured up to Tristan's room to find that he was reading a book, he looked up and weakly smiled when he saw us. I walked over and hugged him tightly knowing this was the last time I would be able to, I sat down on the chair next to his bed and Harry stood behind me with his hands on my shoulders. "You didn't have to come," he spoke quietly.

"We wanted to," Harry said with a small but sincere smile.

"Well I'd just like to say," he took a breath, "you two are the strongest people I've ever met. Emotionally, mentally and Harry, physically," we all lightly smiled at his little joke. "And if you two don't get married and have kids together, I'll haunt you."

"I'll keep that in mind," I barely smiled while tears blurred my vision.

"Good, now I can pass away peacefully since I've got that off my chest," he sighed with a smile.

We sat for the past hour and 45 minutes just going over everything such as how I need to remember him as a happy person and so on, and I knew I was going to be upset but I know I'll be fine. When the nurse came in warning us we had only 5 minutes until the doctor came in, I grabbed Tristan's hand and squeezed it tight.

"I'm going to miss you," I spoke above a whisper, pulling him into another hug and sat back in my chair, still holding onto his hand.

The doctor soon walked in with a tray and he gave us all a nod and filled the needle with a medicine, "Now Tristan, you're going to feel drowsy and you're body will slowly begin to go numb," the doctor explained.

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