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*Harry's POV*

Once I arrived home I scoffed at the messages that were on my phone from Sophie, disregarding them all knowing they were just her going off at me on how I left. I left because I didn't want to get an ear full, because after hearing what Sophie said and was true, I felt like an absolute arsehole. Again. I was just mad that she put what we have on hold. I could have helped her through whatever is happening, even if it is to do with Tristan.

Luckily I only have a half day tomorrow and visit my family for the weekend. I'm sure Gemma's told them all about what's happened and I know deep down it's not going to be the same going back without Sky with me.

I slowly made it up the stairs and into my room, pulling out my shoulder bag and packed clothes for the weekend. I then walked into the bathroom, stripping my clothes from my body and stepping into the shower and turning the water on, waiting for the temperature to become warm. I stood beneath the water just staring down, thinking deeply about whatever would pop into my mind.

I pulled on some briefs after my shower and walked aimlessly around the house before walking and stopping in front of Sky's room. I looked in hanging off of the door frame, imagining everything of hers in the room. I walked in and ran my fingertips over everything in the room, smelling her scent out of pure memory. I sighed loudly before exiting the room, grabbing a box of muesli cereal and venturing up to my room to watch some TV.


I woke up with my hand still in the cereal box and my body spread out, tangled in the bed sheets. I slowly sat up, putting the cereal box on my bedside table and walking into my wardrobe grabbing a plain black shirt, red checked flannelette and my new blue jeans. After changing into my clothes I walked into the bathroom and looked at my crazy hair, I tied it all back into a bun before brushing my teeth.

As I walked into work I greeted everyone as usual before venturing up to my office and looking at my half empty desk due to all the work I've been doing lately. I sat down in my chair and sat back, swivelling around to the beautiful view of the city.

"Ah mate, leaving us for the weekend?" I hear a loud voice as they entered the room, I turn around and smiled when I saw Louis walk towards me.

"Yeah, thought I go and visit the family, get my head around things a little more."

"When are you coming back, the Monday?"

"No, I'm coming home Sunday night because I have some things to do around the house," I explained.

"Like?" he smirked nudging me.

"Like moving some furniture around, you pervert," I chuckled, shaking my head at his cheeky behaviour.

"Yeah I know you're not like that, Haz," he smiles and goes to exit the room but stops as he reaches the door. "Say hi to mumma Anne for me."

"I will," I nodded again and watched Louis exit my office.

For the next 3 hours I sat at my desk filling out paperwork, answering phone calls, arranging different events and drinking cold coffee. I stood up from my now empty desk and walked out of my office wishing everyone a good weekend before walking to my car and began the drive back to my home town.


"Oh my baby boy," my mum rushed out of the house and pulled me into a big embrace.

"Hi mum, and Lou says hi too," I chuckled and she joined in.

Robin then walked out and we shared a hug. Gemma also walked out of the house with Lou and Lux right behind her, Lux ran ahead of them and I picked her up into the air and kissed her pink cheeks before resting her on my hip.

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