Twenty Six.

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I woke up as two arms snaked their way around my waist, soon a warm body cuddled up next to me and legs tangled with mine, I opened one eye to see Harry still fast asleep. I lightly smiled and ran my fingers through his knotted hair, lightly scratching his scalp in the process.

“That feels so amazing,” he mumbled in his husky morning voice, lifting his head slightly and resting his whole body onto mine. His head rested in the crook of my neck and his arms still curled around my waist. I let out a shy giggle when he pressed his lips to my cheek and then to my lips.

“I love waking up next to you,” he mumbled again, moving his hands either side of me so he took some of his body weight off me, then sat up so he was straddling my waist.

Today was the day that Harry was going to move into his new home. I couldn’t wait to see how everything looked when all of his furniture are in place.

“Moving day today,” I announced excitedly, while covering my mouth due to a yawn.

“But I like our sleepovers,” Harry whined resting his head on my chest like a young boy.

“Fine then I’ll move in, you can stay here,” I tried to push him off me but miserably failed. He took my hands in his and held them above my head, smirking down at me before pressing his lips to mine again.

“I’d rather be in my house with you than in this little apartment by myself.”

“You’re so cheesy,” I wriggled beneath him, and purposely thrusted my hips into his, earning a throaty moan.

“Babe,” he called, stopping me from moving. “Maybe later,” he finished. I scoffed and tried to get up again but utterly failed.

“Harry we need to get ready,” I whined and giggled at the same time.

“What’s the password?”

“Suck my dick,” I replied with a cheeky smile.

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