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“Because you love him… So, Saturday night I want you to sit there, listen to what he has to say, and don’t interrupt him,” he pointed and looked at me sternly.

“Alright,” I lightly giggled and nodded. “But that’s all I’m doing,” I added, knowing Tristan to well.

“It’s not like I was going to say you guys should make out,” he rolled his eyes cheekily. I lightly laughed before coming to realisation.

“Since when were you on his side?”

“I told you, I see how you two like look at each other or connect, I think it’s rare and no one should let it slip away and Harry must know that to do what he’s doing to keep you in his life.”

“You got that all from Saturday night?” I cocked my head to the side.

“Yes,” he answered firmly. “I’m a guy, and Sky you’re a beautiful girl so trust me if I was Harry, I’d do the exact same thing he’s doing now.” I nodded in understanding and lightly sighed.

“We kissed Sunday,” I blurt out, “I was going to leave and he kissed me – but you said we,” he smirked.

“And without thinking… I… kissed back,” I mumbled as if I was some thirteen year old talking about their first kiss.

“And… how did it feel?” he carried on.

“Like every other time,” I dropped my head in my heads, onto the edge of the bed.


“Amazing, Tristan. But I panicked and left, but of course he managed to work his stupid charming magic and dropped me off.”

“Do you think you’ll kiss Saturday?” he raised his eyebrows and tried to hold in his smile.

“No, nothing is going to happen. It’s going to be two people, talking thing out and leaving after we’ve eaten dinner.”

Half a Heart || h.s [Bk 2]Where stories live. Discover now