Thirty Two.

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“It was lovely staying with you all again,” I hugged Anne tightly.

“It was lovely having you two over for the last few days of December,” she rubbed my back and pulled away.

“Well I’ll call you when we arrive home,” Harry smiles at Anne and then hugs her.

“Just text me a happy new year later,” she waved her hand.

“Will do,” he kisses her cheek and then gives Robin a handshake.

We wondered to the car after our goodbyes, driving all the way back to London. Tonight he’s taking me out for dinner and tomorrow we’re going to pick up Peach around lunch time. I couldn’t wait to start a whole new year with Harry, a perfect time to start a clean slate and grow even more as a couple.

Surprisingly I stayed awake the whole drive home back to my place, he walked me up the stairs to my apartment and I stood at the door way. “You can always get ready at my place,” he raised his eyebrows at me and took my hand in his pulling me towards him.

“No, I can get ready here,” I lightly smiled and stopped up on my tippy toes to kiss him. “Besides you have me all of next week, it’s just until you pick me up later on tonight.”

“Ok,” he pouted his lips looking down at me, a small smile threatening to show.

I opened my door and waved him goodbye before shutting it behind me, I suddenly remembered my last present to give to Harry. It was small but had a lot of sentimental value to it, and because he was expecting the travel bag and beanies I had gotten him for future travel. I opened the door again to see Harry at the top of the stair case.

“Harry!” I called out with a large smile, he turned around, panic evident in his face.

“What? What’s wrong?” he asked walking back towards me.

“I forgot to give you a present,” I took my bottom lip between my teeth, bending down to my bag and taking an envelope and a small box out. “Open it when you get home.”

He took the items in his hand and lightly smiled, curling his free hand around my waist to pull me towards him, our lips met in a small kiss.

“Go on you have to get ready,” I reached around and tapped him bum lightly.

“As do you Sky,” he smirked and slapped my bum before walking back towards the steps, taking one last look back at me before jogging downstairs. I walked back inside and left my bag on my bed, pacing over to my wardrobe to pick an outfit for tonight.

I took a quick shower, washing and shaving everything necessary. I picked out a simple yellow dress and tan wedges for shoes, I kept my makeup simple and light, like my jewellery. Of course I put on the best matching pair of undergarments I owned, which surprisingly Harry hasn’t seen yet. I looked in the mirror one last time satisfied with my look, smirking slightly thinking of Harry’s reaction when he sees me.

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