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"Why'd you do it Harry?" I asked the question that has been on my mind for the past 2 months. He seemed almost bewildered by the question, unable to form an answer. "Wh-why?" I tried my hardest not to so, but my tears were far from holding themselves back.

"I... I don't know," Harry's features mirrored my hurt one. "Alana, she kissed me the day you met her-"my nostrils flared and my eyes widened. "Skylar, I promise you, I pushed her off."

"When was the first time?" I asked, getting angry. "Was it in your office or when I caught you red fucking handed?" my breathing quickened.

"It was only then. But there were no feelings Sky, I promise - Yeah you've promised a lot of things Harry, it's a shame you can't keep them all," I bit back angrily.

"An espresso and a caramel latte?" the waitress walked over, I looked away from her as Harry thanked her quietly.

"You know I never meant to hurt you," he lent forward and spoke a little harshly.

"Well I guess this might be news to you. You hurt me. A lot." He was holding back all of his profanities and anger as his chest heaved heavily.

"She came onto me Sky - Then why didn't you tell me?"

"Because I didn't want anything to happen between us," once the words came out, he realised the point I was making.

"And look where we are now."

"Why am I getting the blast for this when it was that slut who came onto me?" he asked in an angry whisper.

"Because you retaliated," I spat. "You still kissed her, you still slept with her and I saw you with your arm over her. I had never trusted someone and loved someone as much as I did with you, and you threw it back in my face like it was nothing - You know that's not true!" he whisper-yelled, gripping onto the tables sides and sitting on the edge of his seat.

"It surely felt like it!" I whisper-yelled back. It went quiet and I slowly sat back and wiped the tears from my cheeks. Harrys head dropped and his ring clad fingers ran through his hair in frustration.

"You know what I did for a month after you left?" his voice was quiet. "I drank. I drank until I couldn't see 5 feet in front of me and when I became sober, all the memories would flood back of how I betrayed you and hurt you. I fucking hated myself. I would do anything, and I mean anything to go back and do something about how stupid I was. I have never regretted something in my life as much as this. I love you Skylar and I would shout it out from every single mountain top, I will stop at nothing until you realise I am here and I'm here to stay."

I stared at the man before me, pouring his heart out to me. I took a deep breath and wiped away my falling tears, "and I can't just go back to the way we were in one simple apology, Harry," I whispered as if the words were poison on my tongue. "I wish what happened, never happened. I loved you so much it hurt, but I didn't mind, because I thought I knew you were exactly the same."

"It was the same Sky, it still is. Hell, the first time I saw you after all that time, I fell in love all over again."

Brain and heart were in a constant war over Harry. I knew which one to choose, so I stood up and grabbed my coffee. Harry quickly stood up after me and towered over my small frame. "Please don't leave," he cupped my cheek but I grabbed his larger hand and pulled it away from my face.

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