Thirty Five.

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Harry sat up after a heated make out session, panting and looking down at me with lust and desire. “I think we better start where we left off,” he stood up from the couch and pulled me up with him. Once I stood to my feet he leaned down slightly, lifting me up so he carried me over to the kitchen counter.

As soon as he placed me down on the counter I pulled up the hem of his shirt, pulling it over his long arms and his head, throwing his shirt behind him and connecting my lips with his.

His hands slid up my back, bringing my shirt up as well, taking it up and over my head as well, and leaving my chest bare.

Soft kisses were littered over my collar bones and neck. Small whimpers and gasps left my mouth as Harry kissed my neck and massaged my breasts, squeezing them every so often out of greed. I tugged on his long hair, bringing his gaze up to meet mine.

“So eager, baby?” he pants breathlessly. Resting his hands on my thighs and slowly made their way higher, kneading tenderly. I stopped him by holding his wrists and kissed every individual finger before holding his hands up higher until he held them above his head.

“Keep them there,” I whispered, looking into his intense eyes.

My eyes ventured across his strong torso, resting my hands on his shoulders before letting my hands wonder down to his sweats. I untied the loose bow and pulled at the elastic until it fell down to his ankles. His erection sprung free, and his breathing increased as he watched me intently. I brought his arms back down and held the nape of his neck as I kissed him passionately.

One of his arms snaked around my waist lifting me from my seated position while the other hand pulled down my underwear. Disregarding the piece of clothing he stood before me, his arm still securely around my waist as he entered me.

I threw my head back as he made his thrusts gentle and slow, just like his kisses on my neck and jaw. Shivers ran down my shine as his hot breath fanned my neck after each kiss.

“Oh god, Harry,” I moaned as he hit a sensitive spot that could easily send me over the edge. His lips met mine in a rough kiss, he bit down on my bottom lip and softly sucked, allowing another moan to escape my lips. I rolled my hips into his, lightly digging my nails into his back.

“Shit,” he hissed, thrusting into me hard. My ankles locked behind his back and we were hip to hip. His thrusts became slower, soon he stopped, lifting me from the counter and held me against the cold wall, making my back arc forward. Harry let out a load throaty moan at the contact and continued to roll his hips into mine.

I tilted my head to the side giving Harry access as he lightly nipped my neck and left small love bites. I called out his name as I reached my high, digging my nails into his back once again, sending him into his high. He rested his sweat glistened forehead on my shoulder, panting heavily. I weakly ran my fingers through his hair, and pressed my lips to his right temple.

“Let’s have a swim,” I whispered, playing with a curl.

Harry wasted no time in pushing us away from the wall and making our way outside, keeping a close eye on the fact we need to keep the back door shut in case Peach got out.

Harry reached the deep end of the pool and held me tightly as he jumped in. The water engulfed us but we soon surfaced and Harry walked us both to the middle where we stared at each other. I wiped water droplets away from under his eyes and let my fingertips trace his pink lips.

He watched my face with fascination as I continued to let my fingers trace along his soft features. He moved his hips slightly, making a soft whimper fall from my lips. “Sorry baby,” he whispered, tucking some strands of hair behind my ear.

I wrapped my arms around the back of his neck and softly pressed my lips to his, lightly smiling as I felt his smile. I let out a long moan as he slowly began to move his hips against mine. Harry kissed down my jaw and throat, and both of my collar bones, leaving goose bumps along my skin.

His movements became rougher, yet still had a gentle nature. We moved together in sync as the water created mini waves around us. Harry quickly pulled out, letting his release out into the water, pushing it down to the filter before coming back over to me and pulling me into his chest.

“See what you do to me?” he asked with a cheeky smirk.

“You do the exact same to me,” I smiled up at him and pecked his lips.

“How so?” he quizzed, raising an eyebrow at me.

I grinned lightly, looking down and then up at him before answering, “Well for starters, every time I look at you I get butterflies. And when I kiss you, like this,” I pressed my lips against his and pulled away, “those butterflies turn into a show of fireworks. And when you give me a big giant teddy bear cuddle, I feel so warm and happy. And when I’m with you in general, it feels completely and utterly perfect.”

“You’re completely and utterly perfect to me,” he smiled, stealing a small kiss.

“Yeah, you’re alright,” I joked, shrugging at him.

“Is that how you want to play this, huh?” he asked tightening his grip around me and pressing his lips to mine in a passionate kiss.


Ok I know this is short but it’s really hard writing smut when people walk in every two seconds haha but I hoped you enjoyed the small smut scene and prepare for the last 5 chapters of half a heart!

Apologies for any errors, this was a little rushed as you can probably tell haha.

But always remember I love you all so so so much and I can’t thank you enough for the support x

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