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*Harrys’ POV*


I sat back down at the table after the little altercation with Sky. Why was I such a dick to her? I seriously hope tomorrow goes better. Maybe if I apologise for being an arse.

I saw Sky walk back into the room with that guy, Tristan. He seemed like a nice lad but I’m a guy and having a girl like Skylar, you would rather being more than friends over just being friends. And Skylar is my girl, no one else’s.

I looked down at my pumpkin soup and dipped my spoon in, and bringing it to my mouth, blowing it to make it cool before sipping it.

“Harry, can you not sip it,” Gemma turns to face me. I just smirk and continue to sip, making a smile creep across her face. “Harry,” she tried to scolded but came out as a whine instead.

“Gemma,” I whined back.

“Harry I swear to god,” she warned, holding back her smile. I looked passed Gemma to see Sky looking at us from the corner of her eye.

“Gem, can I swap with you? I uh need to chat with Sky,” I whispered, she looked at me hesitantly before she leaned towards me.

“How about you talk to her after the meals Harry, because I know you went out there after her and not to go to the toilet,” she smirked at me.

I sighed and sat back in my seat, “fine,” I huffed, taking another mouthful of soup. I finished my soup in silence before our main courses began to arrive. Through dinner, I involved myself in some conversations but I mainly sat in silence, thinking of ways to apologise to Sky.

Agh, that Tristan guy was all smiley and chatty with Sky but she looked just as half-heartedly in the conversation as I was with mine. I always loved watching her speak, the way her face would light up when she was talking or how her lips would pout slightly when she’s thinking of what to say next. I didn’t see that glow about her when she spoke to Tristan, there was a smile there but it wasn’t the full glow.

Even though I didn’t have a liking towards the lad, I was glad when I heard that he’d been looking after her. And just looking after her. I would’ve knocked his lights out if Gemma didn’t tell me.

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