Thirty Seven.

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I stretched my arms out beside me as I let out a big yawn, when I expected to touch a warm body next to me, I opened my eyes and looked over when my hand came into contact with a piece of paper. I picked it up and squinted at the handwritten note.

Morning Sky,

I’ve gone to the gym a little early today and I couldn’t bring myself to wake you up to say goodbye. Maria is coming in today so don’t panic if you hear something from downstairs. I’ll see you around 1 since I’m going to do a little work since the wedding is tomorrow. Have a lovely day baby.

-H x

I smiled sheepishly at the note and sat up, stretching a little more before pulling off the covers and making my way downstairs. I saw a small woman making her way around the kitchen making breakfast. Peach rubbed her head against my ankles and I bent down briefly to give her a pet on the head.

“Good morning Maria,” I smiled at her.

“Oh good morning dear, how was your sleep?” she asked.

“It was good thank you.”

“I hope you don’t mind but I’ve made you some pancakes,” she put a plate out in front of me and smiled sweetly.

“Are you going to have some?” I asked, taking a seat.

“Of course dear, you need to catch me up on some goss,” she lightly chuckled, putting a plate in front of her.

“Everything has just been about the wedding tomorrow,” I told her.

“Ah yes, but what about you and young Harry. Anything new?” she asked, raising her eyebrows at me.

“No,” I shook my head, “nothing that I know of.”

She nodded and took a bite from her pancake.

“How about you Maria? How are the grandkids?” I asked.

“Little angels as always, thank you for asking. But my daughter and I had another argument a few days ago.”

“Oh I’m sorry,” I looked at her sympathetically.

“It’s fine dear. I just wish she never hid things from me, especially what she had told me.”

Curiosity started bubbling up inside me but I contained the urge to ask.

“Maybe she was scared to tell you?” It came out more like a question rather than a suggestion.

“Probably, I mean I’d be scared to tell my mother too,” She nodded, “where you ever scared to tell your mother something?”

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