Twenty One.

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*Harry's POV*

I slowly opened my eyes and a small smile grew across my face as I looked down at the girl curled up beside me, I kissed her forehead and then her lips softly before sliding out from underneath her arms and standing up from the bed. I looked over at the clock and I was surprised at the time, 10:32, only 1 hour before Maria comes over. She'll definitely be shocked to see I'm home and Sky will definitely be awake before she leaves.

I put a shirt and shorts on, trying my hair up afterwards and walking down to the kitchen. I grabbed a banana, peeling the skin off and taking a bite as I walked over to the kettle, flipping the switch for it to boil. Once I finished making my tea, I grabbed my guitar and book as well, venturing outside and taking a seat on one of the chairs.

I strummed along to the music I had already written and from there on, I continued to come up with lyrics to go with it. I was about half way through this song when I heard a voice from behind me.

"Oh Harry, what are you doing home you silly boy?" Maria waddles over to greet me.

"Maria it's a long story," I chuckled standing to my feet and putting down my guitar and book, grabbing my tea cup and following Maria inside.

"Well I've got the rest of the day, go ahead," she smiled brightly, walking into the kitchen and taking the cup from my grasp to clean.

"So as you know I went back to my hometown to visit my family," I started.

"Mmm," she mumbled and nodded.

"And yesterday I got a phone call from a friend to come to the hospital-"

"Oh no, what happened?"

"Well, Skylar-"

"Skylar?" she gasped with a big smile.

"Her friend Tristan-"

"The one you don't like?"

"Yes that one, well he's in hospital and Sky wasn't... herself. So I came back to London and went to the hospital..." I drifted off.


I sat down on the stool and smiled foolishly, "Maria, I have never seen her so happy to see me in my whole time I've known her. And I stayed with her until she had to leave-"

"What a gentleman Harry. Did you take her home and cook her dinner?" she smiled cheekily.

"Well not exactly," I trailed off smiling bigger.

"What?" she cooed.

"I told her to come home... with me, so she didn't have to stay at her place by herself, and so she can catch up on a bit of sleep." Maria just stared at me with a big smile.

"So you are telling me, that Skylar, your one true love that supposedly 'hated' you, is currently in your bed asleep right now?" she questioned like a teenager asking her friend about a crush.


"I love to say this Harry, but I did tell you she'll come 'round," she smiled at me triumphantly.

"Yes you did," I shook my head while smiling, "And she, ah never mind."

"What is it dear?" she asked.

"Sky admitted something else to me last night," I tried to stop myself from smiling like a love struck idiot. She nodded, encouraging me to tell her. "She said that she loved me more than anything."

"Really?" she asked, covering her big smile with her hands.

"I haven't been this happy in ages, Maria," I admitted.

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