Twenty Four.

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So this is what I imagine the house to kind of look like, I know some things may not match up with colour and all that but I looooove the kitchen and the back yard. Plus I took the time to search through Pinterest to find pictures and to show you all x

I looked at myself in the mirror, opening and closing my fists nervously. I took a deep breath and walked into the kitchen, looking at the time on my phone. 11:09 a.m. Harry and Anne would be over here soon, and I’m honestly shitting myself. I didn’t know how Anne would think of me after all that has gone on with Harry and I.

Does she know what actually happened?

Has Harry told her what’s been going on lately?

Would he have told her how close we’ve gotten over the past few days?

Would he have labelled us as friends, close friends, or even that we’re seeing each other? Heck, I don’t even know what we are.

I shook my head and walked over to the cupboard and grabbed a glass and filled it up with water, taking small sips to calm my raging nerves. I tipped the remaining water out, watching it slowly trickle down the sink, I jumped when there was four firm knocks on my front door. I put the glass on the sink and rushed towards the door, making sure to unlock the chain this time before opening the door.

I was greeted by a pair of dimpled smiles and bright eyes staring right at me. “Hello,” I greeted them and opened my door further stepping back allowing them to step inside.

“Hey babe,” Harry greeted kissing my cheek and walking inside.

“Oh Honey, look at you! You’re even more gorgeous than Harry described you to be,” Anne gasped cupping my cheeks, then pulled me into a tight hug.

“You look gorgeous as always, Anne,” I hugged her back.

“You’re too kind, Sky,” she chuckled, walking in as well.

“Ah, would anyone like a drink? Tea, coffee, water?” I asked.

“I’m fine thank you,” Anne smiled widely at me, admiring my little flat.

“I’m good thanks,” Harry hummed into my ear, pulling me back into his chest. “I can’t wait for you to see the house,” he kissed my neck and slid his hands down my arms to my bum and slapping it before moving away quickly. I turn around, with a clear smile on my face and softly hit his arm.

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