Twenty Two.

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Maria left after we had lunch leaving Sky and I to have some alone time, but once Sky's clothes had dried, she got back into them and we decided it was best to drop her back home. She collected all the things she brought with her and we walked out to my car.

We listened to the radio for most of the car ride, Sky's soft voice humming along to each song and I tapped away on the steering wheel.

"Do you need to pick anything up, like groceries?" I asked her as we were nearing the shops.

"No, its fine, I have plenty of food" she shook her head with a smile.


"Yes, Harry," she giggled looking over at me.

"I can always go in and get-"

"Harry!" she laughed, lightly hitting my arm, making a smile break out on my face as well.

"Alright, alright," I gave up and turned into the street of her complex.

All too soon I stopped in a car park and turned to look at her with a half-hearted smile, not really wanting her to go or this day to end.

"Well come on," she opened her car door and got out, turning to face me, "aren't you staying for dinner?" she asked, shutting the door after. I shook my head and smiled widely, turning my car off and getting out.

We walked side by side up to her flat and she unlocked, and opened her door and walked in, I followed after her and stood in her lounge room as she walked down the hall way to her room. I walked over to the outside balcony and opened the sliding door, stepping out and taking in the simple view of trees and small houses.

"Not as extravagant as your office view, but I like it," I turned at the sound of her voice.

"This is peaceful, my office is in a building that is smack bang in the middle of the city," I pulled her over to me and held her close to me. It was quiet as we both stared out at the view in front of us, until I felt her head tilt upwards. I looked back down at her to see a small smile and bright eyes, she shyly turned away and hid her face in my chest.

I lightly chuckled, wrapping my arms around her tighter and leaning my head on hers, wishing this moment will never end.

"Been working out have you?" she asked suddenly, the question surprising me a little.

"Maybe," I purposely flexed my arms and she giggled.

"When did these come in?" she put her and on my clothed abs, "and these?" she then felt my arms.

"Stop using excuses to feel me up," I yelled out really loud.

"You're an arse," she giggles before walking back inside. I followed her inside and leaned against the counter top in the kitchen as she walked around, bare foot grabbing things from the cupboards and the fridge.

"So what's for dinner? Mac and cheese?" I asked supressing my laughter.

"No actually, and for that I'm not telling you," she smirked at me and bent down to get out a pot. And I'd be lying if I said I didn't check that arse out.

"Well, I don't want to know anyway," I sassed back smirking at her. She turned and smiled cheekily at me before standing up and began putting everything together. I sat and watched her fascination, just seeing her cute little face as she concentrated, her eyebrows furrowed together, licking her lips and biting them constantly.

She looked over once she had the pasta cooking and the sauce simmering in another pot, lightly smiling as she noticed my staring. "What?" she giggled.

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