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Everything felt as if it was in slow motion, as I reached Tristan, my tears were uncontrollably falling from my eyes. The paramedics tried to pull me away but I refused, resting my head on Tristan’s chest. They pulled me away from his body, trying to calm me down to get a response out of me.

“Please let me go with him!” I pleaded in a desperate yell, trying to get out of their hold. “Please! He has no family here! Please let me go!”

“Miss, calm down,” the male paramedic, used his calm voice. I dropped all my weight to the ground and sobbed into my hands. “Miss,” I slowly looked up at the male crouching in front of me, watching one of the ambulance’s drive off with Tristan.

“Please, I can’t leave him in there by himself,” I begged, looking up at the young man. He sighed and stood to his feet.

“Greg!” he called and soon an older man jogged over, the man spoke quietly to the older man, Greg. They both looked down at my limp body and Greg nodded.

“Daniel, you drive her there and stay with her in the waiting room, I’ll send someone in if we need your services,” Greg ordered the young paramedic, who helped me up and walked me to the second ambulance.

He opened the door for me and I got into the back and rested my heads in my hands, I heard the faint talking in the distance, “Do you think she knows what happened?”

“Probably not, I mean look at the way she broke down in front of everyone.”

“You drive, Greg wants me to stay with her.”

“Sure thing.”

I didn’t bother to look up as the young man got into the back of the vehicle with me and sat across from me. The doors shut with a slam moments later before rushed footsteps ran towards the driver’s side and got into the front.

“Would you like anything?” he asked, almost unsure of how to comfort me. I just shook my head and let my tears fall down my cheeks.

Half a Heart || h.s [Bk 2]Where stories live. Discover now