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~Harry’s POV~


After breaking down in front of Niall, I slept for 18 hours straight. It provided with some peace before waking up and being slapped in the face with reality. Images of when I saw Sky at the club, her beautiful hour glass body, tanned legs and her now stylish short hair do. She was flawless as always, while I get home from work at 6, drink until I can’t see five feet in front of me.

I sat up and ran my fingers through my overgrown hair, and down over my stubbled cheeks and chin. I ran my fingers roughly over my heart and bible tattoo. I’ve collectively gotten more tattoos, such as the leaves adorning my hips and the rose on my left arm. All of them were out of impulse really, yet not to the point where I regret getting them.

I stood up slowly and walked towards the window, drawing back the curtain and resting my forehead against the cold glass.

I’m not going to fuck up anymore. Ever since I left when I was 16 my life has been a rollercoaster of fuck ups. Not anymore. Starting Monday I’m going to work my hardest on the business, I’m cleaning up the house, I’m going to start charity events again and most importantly I’m going to work on myself. I know I’ll still be missing one thing but I need to work for it, prove myself.

I walked into the bathroom and stripped myself of my clothes and got into the shower, just standing under the scorching water, thinking. Think of ways to improve my life. No more alcohol. No more late nights out. No more slacking at work. More visits to my family. More positivity. More Harry and less Mr Styles.

I dried myself with the spare towel and wrapped it around my waist. I walked out into the hallway to see Niall and Sophie sitting at their dining room table, I walked up and stood in front of them on the other side of the table.

“Niall, I need a razor,” I motioned to my starter beard that I haven’t bothered to shave in a good 3 weeks. He looked at me in bewilderment while Sophie was just plain confused.

“Uh, top shelf in the cabinet in the main bathroom,” Niall pointed back down the hallway, I nodded and mumbled a thanks before venturing down to the bathroom and getting out a spare razor, going back into the spare room’s bathroom and shaved.

I splashed my face with water and looked in the mirror. My face still looked paled as did my eyes, my face had lost most of the healthy glow and plumpness due to my lack of eating. Another thing to add, eat healthy and bulk up. As soon as I get home, I’m cleaning and calling up a PT.

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