Twenty Seven.

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Once I finished work I ordered a nice iced caramel latte and a carrot cake, I sat down at one of the tables and played on my phone until I finished. I waved everyone goodbye before leaving and I left the shop, walking across the street and down the long pathway.

I jumped when my phone went off in my bag indicating someone had messaged me. I smiled widely at the screen when Harry’s name popped up. I unlocked my phone, and as soon as I read the text my smile dropped.

From: Harry <3

Serious problem.


To: Harry <3

What’s wrong?

I waited a minute impatiently before my phone went off again.

From: Harry <3

The devil’s here. Alone.

What the devil? Oh fucking hell no.  

To: Harry <3

Be there in 10.

I got into the next cab and told the driver the address and to step on it. I was raging by the time I was halfway there, I had no idea what was going to happen but it won’t be pretty.


*Harry’s POV*


I was finishing off my last lot of contracts for a new singer we were signing when Hayley from the front desk rang through. At first I thought it would have been for a meeting I may have been late for but I couldn’t have been more wrong.

“Uh, Mr Styles there’s someone here to see you,” I heard the unsure tone in her voice.

“Who is it?” I asked.

“Alana,” she responded quietly.

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