Thirty Nine.

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“Ok in 3. 2. 1.”

Lisa stared walking and after a 3 second count, Jade followed, then Stephanie and last but not least, yours truly. I stepped out from behind the sheet and smiled as the photographer took shots, I looked over at Harry as he stood there with his hands linked together in front of him, smiling so wide it was from ear to ear.

I shyly looked down at the ground and then back up in front of me, looking over at Harry every so often before I was standing in my designated spot, ready to watch Sophie walk down the aisle. Everyone gasped as they watched Sophie walk out from behind the sheet with her father by her side.

I looked at Niall and he watched her with the biggest smile and I swear I saw some tears starting to show. As Sophie’s father handed Sophie over to Niall, she was also a little teary but smiled so wide and they looked at each other like no one else was in the room.

They walked up to where the priest was standing and Sophie handed me her bouquet. They stood before their family and friends, hand-in-hand, head over heels in love about to take the next step into their relationship.

“Welcome, family and friends of Niall Horan and Sophie Morton. Thank you for joining this holy union of these two people. If there is any reason that these two should not be wed, speak now or forever hold your peace.”

Everyone looked around briefly. If anyone was to speak they’d be killed by Sophie’s look alone, god knows what would happen after she finished giving her death stare.

“Then I believe we should began with the vows.”

Niall turns to Harry, who hands him Sophie’s ring.

“Niall, please repeat after me. I, Niall, take you Sophie to be my wife, my partner in life and my one true love.”

Niall took Sophie’s hands in his, looking her directly in the eyes as he repeated the vows.

“I will cherish our friendship and love you today, tomorrow and forever.

 I will trust you and honour you, I will laugh with you and cry with you.

I will love you faithfully, through the best and worst, through the difficult and the easy.

So what may come I will always be there. As I have given you my hand to hold, so I give you my life to keep so help me god,” he repeated after the priest, and placed the ring on her finger.

Sophie repeated the same mantra, and placed Niall’s ring on his finger.

“Now repeat this in unison.”

“Entreat me not to leave you, or to return from following after you.

For where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay.

Your people will be my people, and your god will be my god.

And where you die, I will die and there I will be buried.

May the lord do with me and more if anything but death parts you from me.”

They continued to smile and gaze at each other in what I can only describe as pure love. I wiped away a few tears as I watched them repeat their vows to each other with such passion.

“Ladies and gentleman, I am now glad to say that I pronounce Niall Horan and Sophie Morton, husband and wife. You may kiss your bride.”

Niall pulled Sophie to his chest and swopped her down, holding her as they shared their first kiss as man and wife. Everyone cheered and clapped loudly, whistles and coos were also heard as they continued to kiss in front of the large crowd.

Niall lifted her to her feet once again and they stood before the crowd and threw their hands up and everyone roared with a fresh round of cheers and claps once again.

They walked back down the aisle, and back into the hotel to enter the reception room after everyone has been seated. The guests were allowed to move and make their way into the reception ball room and then the bridal party walked in after. Harry stood behind me as we walked into the room.

“You look incredible,” he whispered in my ear, snaking his arms around my waist and kissing my jaw.

“Thanks to my stylist,” I whispered back to him, “but hands off until later Harry,” I smirked and we walked into the ball room, hand in hand, and took our seats.

“Ladies and gentleman, please put your hands together for Mr and Mrs Niall Horan.”


YAY double update and OMG THE NEXT CHAPTER IS THE LAST CHAPTER! But only for Half a Heart. And i''m sorry for such a short chapter or i'll have nothing to write for the next one.

And by the time you have probably reached the end of this chapter, you can go to my profile and add the third instalment of this series. You & I.

Please comment, vote and share this story xxx

Also thank you so much for all of your support once again, I love you all so so so so so much.


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