Twenty Three.

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I had spent half the day cleaning my house before I decided to have a shower and go out to see Tristan, then get some groceries to last me for another two weeks. I grabbed a towel and walked into the bathroom, stripping my clothes off and turning on the shower.

As I was waiting for it to warm up, my phone began to ring, I let out an exaggerated sigh and ran towards my phone, forgetting about putting my towel around me, answering it as soon as I got a hold of it.

“Hi Sophie,” I spoke as I walked back into the bathroom to turn my shower off.

“Can you tell me why Harry is walking around like he’s on cloud 9?” I couldn’t hold back my smile knowing why he was happy. “Did you two do some major sorting out over the course of two days?” she asked.

“Well, have you asked him why he’s happy?” I asked, grinding her gears a little.

“Of course I have!”


“And all the little bastard says is ‘it’s for me to know and you to find out’, so I’m finding out.”

“So, you assume I’m the reason he’s happy, because?”

“Because who else would he have been with – wait, what did you two do Sunday and yesterday and possibly this morning?”

“It’s for us to know and you to find out,” I replied cheekily.

“Oh fucks sake – oi, you. Yes you, come here!” she scolded to someone, “Talk to your secret buddy,” she took the phone away from her ear and towards a deep chuckle.

“Hey Sky,” his deep voice rang through the phone.

“Hey,” I squeaked nervously.

“Going all shy on me now?” he chuckled.

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