Thirty One.

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Apologies for any spelling errors, I literally whipped this up within an hour.

My eyes instantly snapped open when I realised it was finally Christmas morning, I looked at Harry still fast asleep. "Harry," I cooed, patting his cheek softly only stirring him a little, "Harry," I said a little louder, pecking his lips not even caring how bad both of our morning breaths are. His eyes opened and he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close to him.

"Good morning, baby," he lightly grinned, looking at me with tired eyes.

"Merry Christmas," I smiled at him.

"Merry Christmas," he smiled wider and sat up, rubbing his eyes, "We better make our way downstairs and sit in front of the tree," he turned to face me with a cheeky smile.

"Okay," I nodded in agreement, getting out of bed and running down the stairs followed by Harry, who grabbed my hand to pull me back. "Oh you didn't?" I asked, laughing.

"Oh I did," he chuckled walking back over to me to kiss me but I slipped passed him and sat in front of the tree.

"Oh I did," I sassed at him, winking cheekily.

"Well since you beat me, I better go get our Christmas sweaters," he nodded in defeat and walked back up the stairs. Gemma soon after walking down towards me, I stood up and we ran towards each other and gave each other a massive hug.

"Merry Christmas," she cooed.

"Merry Christmas," I smiled back at her.

"I love how excited you are, it's so refreshing."

"Well it's my first Christmas with people who are practically family to me."

"Aww you're making me tear up," Gemma pouted her bottom lip and pulled me into another hug.

"Got them!" we both turned to Harry who had his reindeer sweater on and my -much more appealing sweater- in his hand. Once he got to us, he rolled up the sides and waited for me to hold my arms out for him, he pulled the shirt over my head and down my body, and then stepped back to admire me, "you look so cute," he chuckled.

"You know Harry's home for Christmas when we don't sleep in," Anne grinned at Harry from the bottom of the stairs next to Robin.

"Morning all," Robin gave everyone a hug as did Anne.

"I'm so glad you can have Christmas with us," she rubbed my arms and led me over to a chair where Harry sat next to me.

"Well go on Santa, hand out those presents," Gemma nudged Robin.

"Alright," he chuckled and walked over to the tree. "Mum, from Harry and Sky," he handed a small box to her, and I squeezed Harrys hand in excitement hoping she likes the present we got her.

Once she unwrapped it, she opened the box and covered her mouth, "This is beautiful," she gasped, showing everyone the necklace with the letter 'A' pendant hanging from it. "Thank you so much."

"You're welcome," I smiled at her.

"Next one is for... Gemma, from Harry and Sky again," he looked at us, smiling and handed Gemma her gift. She unwrapped it and opened up the box and her smile grew wide and she let out a little laugh.

"Earrings with a G on them, I love them, thank you," she closed the box.

"Sky found them," Harry praised me.

"They are so adorable," she smiled at me.

"I couldn't resist them," I shrugged while laughing.

Robin handed out a few more presents to everyone, and just as I finished thanking Gemma for the amazing handbag she got me, Robin handed me one that was from Harry. I looked at him suspiciously and unwrapped the gift paper, I opened up the plain box and out slipped a white collar with a name tag engraved with 'Peach'. I looked at Harry in shock and excitement.

"What is this?" I asked my smile growing bigger.

"Well since you can't exactly keep pets in wrapping paper for a whole night, I adopted an 8 week old kitten for us and she's waiting to be picked up when we get back."

"Oh Harry," I covered my mouth and he chuckled pulling me into a hug.

"Merry Christmas babe," he kissed my cheek.

"Thank you," I whispered.

"You're more than welcome, it can be our little baby," he chuckled pulling back from our hug and pecking my lips.

"Well that was the last one for all of us here," Robin spoke up looking at all of us with a wide smile.

"I guess it's time to start breakfast then," Anne stood up as well as robin and they ventured into the kitchen.

"Harry, when did you have time to do that?" I asked.

"Well since you had been feeling a little down a few weeks ago I was looking at pets to adopt and I found this one little 6 week old kitten and I instantly called up and asked if they can keep her until just after Christmas and they said no worries. And I hope you don't mind the name I picked for her," he chuckled.

"I love it Harry," I wrapped my arms behind his neck and kissed him, "do you have a photo of her?"

He got his phone out and scrolled up a little and showed me a picture, my jaw dropped at the sight of her gorgeous blue eyes, grey ears, nose and feet while the rest of her body was a fluffy white. "They lady looking after her said she's a very playful but very cuddly and gentle kitten," he smiled at the photo with such pride.

"Thank you so much," I smiled at him and then down at the picture.

"Well I guess it'll give me another cutie to look after when you're at your place and another cutie to look forward to seeing on the weekends," he chuckled.

"And we pick her up on the way home?" I asked.

"Of course," he nodded eagerly. "Come on, let's go get some breakfast," he stood up and took my hand in his, leading me into the kitchen.


Only a short chapter and this one is definitely the last one for the year because I have so much to do between tomorrow and Boxing Day. But again Merry Christmas to everyone, I love you all so much and I couldn't be happier with how much you all support the books and my writing, it really makes me happy and continue to love to write.

Have a wonderful next few days and New Year, and don't forget to be safe and have fun.

Lots of love for the last time in 2014,

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